Racists & Bigots

by Tim Duncan Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 12:09 PM
aaabbb@yahoo.com 123-123-1234

Drop the race card and talk about solutions to the REAL problems caused by unmitigated illegal immigration

Why is it that the pro-immigration advocates refuse to debate or address the real world issues, but instead label everyone that wants our nations laws enforce a 'racist' and 'bigot'? Because they want to disarm their opponents, instigate racial hatred and division, and prevent the enforcement of our nations laws for a select and priviledge ethnic group.

As a race and culture, I think Latinos are wonderful people with a rich cultural heritage. My step mother is a Mexican citizen. But this debate isn't about race and it isn't about human rights. Despite the slander of the libereal left, It is NOT a basic human right for everyone on the planet to migrate and reside in the United States. It is a PRIVILEGE for legal citizens and legal immigrants to live here. A PRIVILEGE granted by the US government.

But the far left will argue that LATINOS have a god-given human right to live here in their sacred AZTLAN and that all non-Latinos should be expelled as foriegn invaders. OK, so who's the racist and bigot here? How would the Latino community feel if they were suddenly displaced in housing and jobs by 3,000,000 Pakistanis migrating freely into Southern CA, taking their jobs for $30/month? They would suddenly scream about the injustice and the crimes of allowing all those Pakistanis to migrate unchecked into "their country". They would suddenly lobby fiercly for the rigorous enforcement of our immigration laws ... against this one ethnic group of Pakistanis.

You think this isn't a fair comparison? Why not? The only difference is in the physical issues in immigrating from Central America versus Pakistan. Why should Latinos and Pakistanis be treated any different? Oh, MECHA claims that Latinos are a 'special' race that have a god-given right to the American SouthWest, and that all other ethnic groups should be expelled, violently if necessary.

Again, what hypocrites for a group that calls itself "La Raza" to label others as 'racists' that simply want immigration into our country to be legal and adhere to our government's laws. The only reason they do so is because they themselves are racists and bigots.

Let's all put the race card down for a moment and ask how would YOU solve the very REAL problems presented by unchecked, unlimited immigration by ANY foreign national of ANY ethnicity? Our classrooms are overcrowded and our school systems struggle to provide anything but the basic educational resources to our children. Our healthcare systems are shutting down under the massive burden of providing care for the uninsured. We are saddling our children and grandchildren with TRILLIONS of dollars of budget deficits that they will pay for through their taxes and the damage to the US economy in the world market. Our prisons are overflowing with illegal alien criminals. Our law enforcement agencies are ignoring non-violent crimes because they are overwhelmed with gangs, drugs, and street violence. There are vast areas of our nations metropolitan areas that are the domain of violent gangs and are basically unsafe for anyone other than local residents and the police. The vast majority of illegal aliens facing deportation proceedings disappear into the masses and never show for their court hearings. The costs of providing social services to illegal aliens and the lost tax revenue due to the cash-only under-the-counter employment market favored by illegal aliens COSTS our government $65 BILLION PER YEAR and growing!

These are REAL problems that have NOTHING to do with race. These issues aren't being voiced by racists and bigots ... they are being raised by concerned US Citizens who's wallets are funding the bill for the unmitigated and wonton abrogation of our nation's immimgration laws. They aren't asking for a stop to all immmigration ... our nation was founded on immigration ... they are asking for our government to stop ILLEGAL immigration of ANY foriegn national, regardless of race or ethnicity.