goon support movement (formerly anti-war movement)

goon support movement (formerly anti-war movement)

by atticus finch Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 10:35 PM

soldiers are not human, and hence don't deserve rights!

The position that the US troops are murderous thugs who deserve to be fragged may be unpopular among NYC IMC yanqui flag waver bohemian crowd, but it is very popular throughout the rest of the world, particularly in the third world where yanqui goons are committing genocide.

It is the views of the workers of the third that the elitists of the NYC IMC want to avoid a discussion of.

US troops who obey illegal orders are goons. For every yanqui goon in Iraq that dies a hundred Iraqis get to live. Human beings frag goons because goons murder human beings. Goons who want to become human beings must resist in some form.

The use of the word goon is nothing new. During the siege of Wounded Knee in 1973 members of the Guardians of the Oglala Nation were called goons because they were paid hit men, thugs for the FBI.

Goon is a suitable name for US troops who obey illegal orders.

Debate the issues instead of attacking and censoring the messenger. Personally attacking me, though it may make you feel like you’ve accomplished something, really only shows the weakness or your argument. I could insult you back with some creative writing of my own, but what’s the point? To me, this is a political debate not a schoolyard cut down contest. If you can’t handle a political debate then go back to school.

The point is that dead yanqui goons can’t kill Iraqis. The more yanqui goons that die means that more Iraqis get to live. Fragging will help bring a quicker end to the war - as we saw with the Vietnam experience - and it will save more lives on both sides. “Diplomatic solutions” are a pipe dream. How can you have diplomacy with the world’s biggest thug, the US?

According to UN figures 5000 Iraqi children were dying every month during the 1990s because of economic sanctions. The UN wanted to lift those sanctions more than once (correct me if I’m wrong) but the US vetoed it. The illegal US bombing of Iraq during the 1990s also filled some graves. Human Rights Watch reported that by the year 2000, Saddam’s policy of killing Iraqis had substantially been reduced. Saddam, during his 25-year reign, supposedly killed 300,000 Iraqis, though we don’t really know how accurate this figure is – it’s just a guess. What we do know is that only about 5000 corpses in mass graves have turned up since the US invasion of 2003. In other words, the US, in its desperation to prove that Saddam was the mass murderer the yanquis claim he is has - even after over three years of searching – has produced only scant evidence to substantiate it. But even if Saddam killed 300,000 Iraqis, he was on his worst behavior while he was an ally of the US. And furthermore, if we want to talk about mass murder in Iraq let’s talk about the 1.5 million Iraqis who were killed by US-imposed economic sanctions which US Secretary of State Madeline Albright said were “worth it”. And let’s also talk about the 100,000 Iraqis the yanqui goons have killed since 2003. In a 13-year period (from 1991 to 2004) the US killed 250,000 Iraqis in the Persian Gulf war of 1991, plus another 1.5 million Iraqis via sanctions plus another 100,000 from 2003-2004. That comes to 1.85 million Iraqis. In short, it’s extremely hypocritical, racist and ignorant to focus only on the number of Iraqi deaths during the Saddam era while completely ignoring the number of Iraqi deaths that the US has caused in about half the time period (25 years vs. 13 years). It only shows that you are using the Iraqi deaths under Saddam as a political football.

No one does killing like the US, no one. Sum up all the killing the US has done since its existence and you’ll come up with a figure that’s mind-boggling. Over the past 10 years alone the US has killed over 100 million people in the third world with its economic policies. The UN reports 30,000 children in the third world die every day from curable diseases, malnutrition and starvation. These conditions were created because the US controls the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the lending institutions that
force third world countries to pay off their debts via privatization and deregulation, which in turn deprives these children of the food , clean water and medicines they need. 30,000 children x 365 days per year x 10 years = 109,500,000 children that the US has murdered over the past 10 years via its economic policies in the third world. If you want to compare the number of people the US has killed to the number of people the fascists claim that “Marxists” killed, there’s simply no comparison – no one has ever come even close to approaching the magnitude of genocide that the US has achieved in its history, no one. You need a history lesson.

I don’t think calling them goons or referring to them as inhuman is any more of a logical leap than the dehumanizing names that yanqui goons call people in the third world, i.e., “savage”, “rag head”, “gook” and “sand ni****”. They call people these names so they can slaughter them and not feel bad about it. What kind of human beings do this? Yanqui goons don’t act like human beings, so why should they be regarded as such?

US economic policies are not put in place and maintained with the US president’s good looks. They’re put in place and maintained with the threat of the most powerful military force in the world. And guess who makes up that force? Yanqui goons, that’s who. If you believe that the US imperialists could implement their austere economic policies in the third world without the US military as a backup force then you don’t know much about the world.

For your information this isn’t “Meet the Press” or “The McGlaufflin Group” or Rush Limbaugh. “Geopolitics” in yanko corporate media doublespeak basically means US imperialist politics. Keeping the discussion within the realm of “geopolitics” allows the corporate media’s talking heads to ignore issues that profoundly effect the lives of millions and even billions of people. Thus the “geopolitics” of 30,000 children dying in the third world every day is, to most yanqui flag wavers, “a useless number”. The arrogance of your “geopolitical” perspective is something commonly found in the US. Over 100 years of US imperialism has created an imperialist arrogance within yanqui society. It’s part of Americana. Yanquis become so used to the US bullying it’s way around the world that a million dead here and another million dead there are nothing more than “useless numbers”.
I’m not talking “geopolitics” when I mention the third world’s children, US economic policies or US military aggression. I’m talking about socioeconomic issues that effect millions and even billions of people. If you want to talk yanqui “geopolitics” then go back over to or one of them other far right web sites.
You also need to go back and read my last post. In it I said that the UN reports that 30,000 children in the third world die every day from malnutrition, curable diseases and starvation. The source is the UN. Get it?

The yanqui pacifists say fragging is murder. But when we ask these same pacifists if it is murder when US troops shoot unarmed, wounded Iraqis they parrot “US troops are blameless victims who were forced to join the military because of poverty and racism. ”

In yanqui pacifist doublespeak, US troops who shoot their commanders are murderers, but US troops who shoot Iraqis are victims.