Operation Gladioamerican

by Sheepdog Thursday, Mar. 17, 2005 at 6:30 PM

Now the enemy brazenly slashes into the herd to drive them for harvest. Arm yourself because self defense is a human right and it looks like the wait will not be long before a school, theater or public gathering is muckered. Don't rely upon the police or military for self protection.

In Italy, the CIA had a little thing going on called Operation Gladio

involving a concept referred to as 'the strategy of tension'...

and using terrorism by funding all the lunatics they could find and train, many people died and the blame directed at the 'enemies of the state'

Operation Gladioamerican?

Muckered, verb relating to the berserk violence among 'random' individuals (Mucker), spontaneously occurring, usually resulting in multiple deaths and great injury.

Derived from frequent use of the term run amok.


John Brunner's

Stand on Zanzibar

With the CIA now assisting the FBI in enforcing social stasis here at home ( buh-buy all those damned WALLS ) we certainly have an interesting period of time to look forward to. We know what the CIA does best.

We are being warned again of those evil al-CIAduh operatives hitting soft targets like the schools, theaters, and other public areas. Be warned.

Original: Operation Gladioamerican