God's Message To The World Today

by one voice Sunday, Feb. 20, 2005 at 1:09 AM

God's concern for mankind, his views on current events, and suggested solutions.

10 February 2005

My children,

I am concerned for your welfare.

In fact,

I am you.

Your happiness is my fulfillment.

Therefore, peace.


right conduct.


and truth.

These virtues will ensure your happiness.

They will secure satisfying relationships,

both among yourselves as persons,

and also between your nations.

It is not my will

that you adventure into many lands

to seek others to kill,

and to take from them their livelihoods.

It is not my will

that you erect barriers of enmity and hatred

against your fellows.

You are all my children -

I wish happiness and prosperity for all,

and I have provided the Earth and its resources

to share;

and I have given you intelligence

to seek the better ways.

Seek not death,

for it will come to you of its own accord;

Seek life,

and love, and beauty, and kindness,

and right conduct toward your fellows.

Fear not the pundits

who seek to control you -

their power is an illusion,

which you give to them.

Seek the truth -

that which never changes.

It shall make you free from fears.

Truth is inherent in every creation -

it is the glue that makes possible

this material universe.

As such, it is an integral component

of your own existence.

Believe the truth. Reject the lies.

Persuasion by love and kindness may be trusted;

engendering fear and anxiety

is the way of terrorists,

who seek power.

Choose more soberly your leaders -

elect men of honor and virtue,

if you can find them. If not,

stand up for election yourselves;

and yield not to the enticements of financial gain:

therein lies death and dishonor.

My children:

Realize that all is God.

God is not a remote, exalted person,

nor a vengeful king,

nor an ethereal spirit.

God is intrinsic to Creation.

All has come out of Him

and Is still Him.

Humans are the highest material manifestation of God on Earth.

Each part can become aware of the Whole.

Each, through development of the Five Virtues, can become

attuned to God, and

One with Him.

In fact,
we are all One with Him,

but we refuse to see it, and prefer

our petty separateness

as if

it were mastery.

God is kind and forgiving despite this
(it is his nature),

and will continue to guide and teach

whoever is willing to listen and to learn.

Thus we have myriad "religions" among men,

each revealing some aspect or other

of Ultimate Truth.

But men even take these revelations

and turn them to their lusts and perversions,

and seek to wield authority

as if

they alone are God.

No one alone is God.

God is never alone.

God is everywhere,

at all times, and in all places.

God is the Witness, and the Guide;

men are the doers -

what happens on the Earth

is the result of men's choices.

My wish is that men choose more wisely,

more kindly, more empathically,

and more truthfully.

Much misery could be averted and ameliorated

if men would choose differently.

Those of you who have so much:

could you not relieve the suffering of your fellows?

You too will one day meet with
suffering, loss, and death -

should no one assist you in your time of need?

Yea, how you do to others

is how you will be dealt with yourself.

It is a natural law, inevitable.

All things return

to the source from which they came.

It cannot be otherwise.

Thus, terror begets terror;

war begets war;

deception yields deception.

Why will ye embrace such evils?

Choose rather love, peace, truth,

harmlessness, and right conduct;

and it shall be well with you,

in increase of abundance, harmony, joy,

and fulfillment.

The times are such, my children,

that planetary catastrophes shall continue -

as a result of your greediness and plunder and violence.

These things will erupt around you,

that you be confronted with yourselves.

Shall others suffer your sins?

You must carry them.

Or you may give them up.

It's that simple.

I will protect and foster those

who follow righteousness;

those others shall come face to face with their sins.

It will not be wise to be found in their company then.

My children:

Times of testing and trial are upon us.

Fear not the perturbations upon the Earth -

they are necessary instruction

to those whose ears are stoppered up,

and whose hearts are stony.

Yield to goodness -

God will guide you and protect you.

Love All. Serve All. Adhere to Truth.

Copyright(C)2005, one voice.
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and this notice is included. Authorized original copy posted
at: http://www.freewebs.com/onevoiceforall/message.htm