DoubleThink v2 point "oh!"

by doctor_jones Thursday, Jan. 20, 2005 at 5:58 PM

george herbert walker bush, a known member of the satanist 'Brotherhood of Evil Mutants' calling themselves "the Skull and Bones' was aCIA man for richard M. Nixon. During the infamous 'pentagon papers' scandal it was Bush who advisd Richard M. "tricky dick' nixon to resign -- because the lawyers and journalists investigating the ellsworth trials were getting very close to the sickening TRUTH --

DoubleThink v2 point "oh!"
FOUR fisted TALES OF TRUE hard core
by doctor_jones

then the socialist puncks were doomed. they lied all the time. i dissed them.

i was smashing the state of denial. it hurt their vestigial stunted feelings.

Good, i thought, moshing for moshe.
i dissed them to their faces.

i challenged them to fight.

they slimed away like snails with no shells.
i laughed and remained UTTERLY hard core, humbled by experience, the gift that kept on giving when socialist puncks LIED to everyone.

they betrayed anarchism!

i waled on them like indiana Jones punching evry nazi on earth.

loud noises like someone smashing a bowling ball with a thirty punned sledgehammer. they were socialist puncks, clannish and indifferent.

i cheated them by not hating them.

i dissed them to their dirty faces though...that i did. every day.

THEN I WALKED DOWN THE FUCKING STREET and shared my weed with the cool punks and the average hippies, demoralized and hermetic, and also with just plain old people who weren't a part of any scenes.

i outclassed them all by being utterly classless in my attitude.

all the time. for like, twenty years i went on dissing the racist punks, who hung together and proudly didn't like anyone. oh...i yanked the rug out from under their shit ass lame scenes whenever i could.

you know...for anarchy!

all over the WORLD, me and people like me. different but inified, not in pose but in understanding. 'who cares?' said the socialist puncks, indifferent and uninteligent.


humble is so much cooler than proud.
everywhere i went i mad cool friends cause i had seen so much
and i knew that people were the same everywhere.
it kept me humble
and then i gave the socialists the special straight up oh, i see your ass" middle finger of DIE NAZI PUNK-
and i walked the FUCK away.

why would i waste my high trying to have fun with nazi punks? they should have fucked off twenty five fucking YEARS ago. apparently they have a lot to learn.

good. i have a lot to teach.

it is called reductio ad absurdem. logos.

or, when they are bent on being racist little lying socialsts with no scene and overt undisguised antipathy towards positive scene buildng punk movements,

-like the litle record company that foundered and died when the little punk shits were jealous and went about glowering and talking bullshit about everyone who had good ideas and basically ruining good thingd because they were twisted with envy -- "reductio ad abuse them." yeah. i made that up.

they said they were socialists anarchists. i reminded them that hitler and Stalin and Castro were socialists:their pose was reduced toabsurdity and i walked away and smoked a fucking cigaret. that's life. and also i chilled with cool strong people.

sometimes they weren't anarchists.i chatted with them

sometimes. i sure had fun.
Psychotronic weaponry works in varied ways. one "innovation" has been for a secret carrier wave to operate on low Hertz -- to low to be detected by the human ear but the brain hears it. the micro-carrier wave emitted by certain psychotropic weapons, like the HAARP emitter, bounce off of the salty underside of the ionosphere and back down to earth, and can pinpoint mass groupings of human beings -- or individuals.

When luciferians are controlling such dangerous mind manipulatipon technology -- it takes little guesswork to intuit what they would be using it for.

this secret carrier wave technology -- did you know? is also involved in all ASCAP approved mass recordings for public listening. just in the same way that DVDs have a protective hidden track to prevent illegal duplication, the New World Order INSIST in having a secret psionically active carrierwave that is subsonic -- but audible.

when the fifth internationalists swore to control the world by 1984 they were serious. it was those individuals, incluuding famous traitor neville chamberlain, who composed 'les illuminaires', a group that has planned to control the world's military voia deception, in the name of lucifer, since the signing of the american bill of rights and the design of that conspicuous temple of Set emblem on the back of the american one dollar bill.

when a satanic operation vies for world control and have acess to edge science -- including remote viewing and mind manipulation technology of the sort the Socialists of germany and russia have been developing since the golden age of television --

they use it -- and use it to warp people's minds to their goals.

or do you think there is some other reason why a paid CIA operative destroyed the world trade center and no one was able to put the two facts together and identigfy and indict the conspirator?

they lie and deceive. that's how they work.
real news alert --
george herbert walker bush, a known member of the satanist 'Brotherhood of Evil Mutants' calling themselves "the Skull and Bones' was aCIA man for richard M. Nixon. During the infamous 'pentagon papers' scandal it was Bush who advisd Richard M. "tricky dick' nixon to resign -- because the lawyers and journalists investigating the ellsworth trials were getting very close to the sickening TRUTH --

that George herbert walker bush's father was a socialist republican who funded the deaths of Allied soldiers in the now famous 'trading with the enemy' scandal of July, 1942.


you didn't know?

"it's all starting to come out."

the filthy puncks who volunteer to get q-tipped and mauled by cops will never tell you about this - because they are socialists -- the same people who jello biafra called nazi punks and asked to fuck off in the 80's.

wait wait i'm "getting something" what ?

oh. TOLD. he TOLD the nazi punks tofuck off.

apparently they have wax in their ears and it didnt get shipped from alternative tentacles~

they are socialists as was Hitler - they won't really oppose the Bush family, except in obviously transparent and sadomasochistic ways.

they are minions -- simply Socialist regulars now in America, no friends of freedom or true anarchism and it's

"It's all starting to come out. Prescott Bush worked for the Nazis. Allen Dulles and the CIA recruited Nazis. former CIA director Bill Casey brought Nazis to the U.S. The Manhattan Institute, Giuliani and GW Bush are connected to all of this in myriad ways. Those of you who were skeptical about my articles over the past 7 years might want to visit the website and give them a read through."

BOSTON GLOBE 4/23/2001


By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff
Date: 04/23/2001 Page: A1 Section: National/Foreign
(edited for radio rebroadcast)

Last of two parts

Prescott Bush was surely aghast at a sensational article the New York Herald Tribune splashed on its front page in July 1942. "Hittlerr's Angel Has 3 Million in U. S. Bank,"read the headline above a story reporting that Adolf Hittlerr's financier had stowed the fortune in Union Banking Corp., possibly to be held for "Nazi bigwigs."

Bush knew all about the New York bank: He was one of its seven directors. If the Nazi tie became known, it would be a potential "embarrassment," Bush and his partners at Brown Brothers Harriman worried, explaining to government regulators that their position was merely an unpaid courtesy for a client. The situation grew more serious when the government seized Union's assets under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the sort of action that could have ruined Bush's political dreams.

As it turned out, his involvement wasn't pursued by the press or political opponents during his Senate campaigns a decade later. But the episode may well have been one of the catalysts for a dramatic change in his life. Just as the Union Banking story broke, Bush volunteered to be chairman of United Service Organizations, putting himself on the national stage for the first time. He traveled the country raising millions of dollars to help boost the morale of US troops during World War II, enhancing his stature in a way that helped him get elected US senator. A son and grandson would become presidents."

onand on,
the journalists who report these crimes are not the seditionous traitors against American interests. the Bush family, however...

in case you were missing it -- this all relates the start of the notsee coup in the united states -- a bloody secret takeover that stretched over three generations, beginning with the Bush's family funding of the Auschwitz disaster and continuing to the miscariage of justice that has resulted in two faulty and obviously rigged united states general presidential elections andthe destrucion of the world (not american -- WORLD) trade center by CIA operative osama bin laden -- famous for leading the afghani repulsion of Soviet Forces from afghanistan.

a short time later Mikhail Gorbachev would fool the world into thinking he was a hero of liberation and sign the soviet republic over the american tools of republican politics, Ronald Reagan and george herbert walker bush.

they are the true traitors against american freedom and life, and when the inveitable trial occurs, the families of those murdered by osama bin laden, paid well by GOP interests, will be anxious to see multiple charge of capital murder as well as attempted murder for all those who escaped -

brought against cheney, bush, powell, Rice and the other architects of conspiracy.

this is not CSI.
this is the american political system and no other country will liberate us. we have to do it ourselves as true patriots of United States interests.
true patrio
god thing the wheels have been turning all this time!

Bush Family Connection Research Sites

The following are links to information about the Bush family, the Bush cabinet appointees and the corporations, think tanks and foundations that are behind the GW Bush administration. My including these links to materials other than the articles I wrote
is not to be considered an endorsement of any statement they contain.

These links connect to sites run by the left, the religious right, conservative think tanks, political independents and the
mainstream media. Some are pro-Bush and are included for cross reference value. All links were good as of this writing so if you get a message to the contrary keep trying -they are busy sites.

Within each of these sites you can do a word search on Bush or any other word or name that
interests you.

These materials, which are only a tiny fraction of what's out there,
will help you to see through the blitzkrieg of false information we are all being subject to about GW Bush and his cabinet. Please
forward these links to your friends, the media, elected officials and anyone else with an interest in knowing the real story behind the 43rd President of the United States.

This list was compiled by
Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics) (718) 743-3722

Lederman articles on the Bush connection to Nazis, eugenics and drug companies. Also articles on West Nile Virus, Giuliani,
the Manhattan Institute - more than 50 articles filled with references.

An exceptional article on the relationship between American
conservatives, GW Bush, so-called compassionate
conservatism, eugenics and the Nazis: Nazis In America by
Myrna Estep Ph. D

Bush financial misconduct

Bush family background

CIA, Nazis & the Republican Party

Philadelphia Enquirer 9/10/98
David Lee Preston, "Fired Bush backer one of several with possible Nazi links," September 10, 1988.

Project Paperclip: the CIA Nazi recruitment program - many of the
think tanks and organizations behind Bush got their ideas directly
from these former Nazi officials.

Head of Florida holocaust Museum links Bush family to Nazis
"The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich." -John
Loftus, former US Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes investigator
and President of the Florida Holocaust Museum quoted in the
Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000

4/14/1990 New York Times quotes George Bush as stating,
"Lets forgive the Nazi war criminals."

US releases Nazi documents (AP)

Josef Goebbels on propaganda - Understand how the Big Lie
techniques used by the Bush campaign work

Eugenics sites (the Bush family are among the world's top
advocates for eugenics)

Fluoride info
(Alcoa, which plays a major role in the Bush administration, is
the world's leading producer of fluoride and was a leading ally
of Nazi Germany)

Gulf War Syndrome and how the George Bush administration
supplied Iraq with chemical and biological warfare materials,
allowed US servicemen and women to be exposed to them and
then covered up the entire scandal by Air Force Captain Joyce

A very interesting chronology of world events related to the
Bush family and the new administration's goals

Cheney links 1

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely
with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of
our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing
fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they
are helping to keep it there."
-William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador
to Germany, 1937.
See: Shadow of the Swastika and

Powell took hefty fee from Lebanese just before election

Ashcroft and white supremacists
NY Observer January 11, 2001

The Heritage Foundation

The Bell Curve and the Pioneer Fund (The Bell Curve is the
socialogical text that is the source behind many of the Bush's
cabinet appointees ideas on African Americans, welfare reform,
affirmative action, school vouchers, voting rights etc. Its author,
Charles Murray, is directly connected to more than half of Bush's
cabinet appointees and advisors)
Pioneer Fund Backs Controversial Study of "Racial

Bush Monsanto connection

Bush has controversial bio removed from stores

Masons and US Presidency connection [scroll down to Bush section]
(GW Bush will be sworn in on a masonic bible)

Quotes by Bush, Kissinger, etc., on the New World Order

Bush, Hitler, Skull and Bones connection

To access thousands of web sites with detailed information on
the Bush/Nazi connection go to a good search engine such as and type in Bush AND Nazi.
Likewise if you type in Alcoa AND Nazi or Ford AND Nazi
etc. you'll get thousands of pages of information on these

Other excellent search engines to search for Bush links[]/

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics) (718) 743-3722
Lederman articles on the Bush connection to Nazis, eugenics
and drug companies; West Nile Virus expose, Giuliani,
Manhattan Institute, Eugenics info - more than 50 articles

the above from

And as sure as jesus is jewish they will get their way.

in otherwords, many of the people in mental hospitals complaining of hearing governmet voices telling them what to do are not lying -- but have been victims of the enn double-you oh mind control - perhaps tehonly way george w. bush could secure any sort of Mandate short of approaching each and every amercan, pointing a gun at them and saying "vote for me or die."

what. you didn't know? it's all a matterof public record -- protected but not secret. people who refuse to talk about something, Doctor Rice, and therefore assume that it cannot be found out are among some of the most moronic public administrators to ever steal an election.


it is somewhat sophisticated and has been used to manipulate human minds, along with holographic tech that was called 'space age in the years it was being developed -- but as is obvious, the space age is upon us. operation blue Beam, a declassified secret oiperation, was used to demoralize iraqi Republican Guard troops who could swear they had seen divine beings in the space above their heads.

A lot can be projected with these new weapons of the Illuminated New World Order. You can find more information about operation blue beam at www dot google dot comm. caveat lector -- but the information is there.

what i do understand is that anti - intellectuals are that way almost always because they are covering up a lie -- often with the socialist tool of "doublethink."

another word for this is "lying", "deceiving", or "bull-shitting you."
they don't want ANYONE to know what is going on so they apply DoubleThink to maintain ignorance and delusion.
but a national socialist is STILL a socialist. that's like saying an ass doctor is not a doctor. impacted feces still stink when it all comes out the back fucking door and socialists are totalitarians.
aryan. totally.

it's their way of dominating -- if no one knows anything or if intellectuals and the honestly informed are HATED then the doublethink and the tyranny represented and resented by socialist forms of military oppression can continue. Pol pot had everyone who wore glasses killed, Hitlerexiled the astrologers, on, and on. tyrants hate intellectuals -- because ointelectuals can see through their tyrannical BULLSHIT.

ithas nothing to do with Russia and everything to do with posing as freedom fighters. they are fighting against freedom with the edge of a death weapon like fakeliberator che guavara. and fake liberator fidel castro and fake liberator adolf hitler and fake liberator george w. bush. liberating people from their lives and there is still very little autonomy.

that's double think - and the real goal of Marxists was to enact a permanent revolution. pete townsend did more for consciousness of freedom when he said

"here's the new boss, same as the old boss." fuck socialism with a boot. it is capitalism's cruel sister. neither are anarchy despite the lies.

when punks wearing inverted pentagrams hang out with hateful collectivists and go to antiwar protests and combine it all with doublethink-based rhetoric, what happens?

bombs fall on little kids who wouldn't have hated you in afghanistan and the collectivists drink their beer and smirk.

socialists in america play the same role as the KGB played in Soviet Russia before the fall -- except of course, they can't fight with the skilled of trained KGB Agents. i say poke them in the eye and keep walking -- being a pacifist means bing anti war. it doesn't mean being averse to punching a nazi in the face -- and national socialists are nazis -- whatever nation they are socializing. the doublethinking of national socialism wants no one to have an opinion other than the party line, which is known to be militaristic -- yetthey wil claim tobe anarchists. the octobrists weren't anarchists - they took out the Ceasarate regime and prpelaced it with the Socialist Union of policed allocation of resources and of course the famous siberian concentration cmps.

(get real. if people are concentrated in a camp it is a fucking concentration camp. why should anyone who is NOT a socialist lie to maintain the illusion of socialist glory? THAT sort of behavior is exactly what anti - intellectual doublethinkers do their damnedest to enforce. and god knows they were damned before i said anything about them. chiptruth). basicaly their goal has been TOTAL CONTROL avoid domination.

ironically as doublethink spawns on it is both a success and a failure.

a success because they are stil lying to maintain negative confusion or what has been called "chaotic evil"

the absence of any kind of foundation in reason or virtue and the predomination of lies hatred and unertainty among those who would resist lies and hatred. it is also failing becuse people know SOMETHING Is up and somehing is wrong - but socialists, like all proponents of miltaristic tyranny -- LIE to get what they want -- which is political influence.

basically that is what makes thenm anti-intelllectuals -- and what could entail their ultimate doom as human beings take back their birthright - which are understanding, knowledge and intellectual acumen.

anti - intellectuals, tyrannical and devoted to the darkling dream of soviet domination of the earth - with or without the Union of Soviet Socialists Republicans --

and notice the objective word -- UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS. those words have NOTHING to do with Mother Rus as an ethnic region.


that could be the republic of kenya, the republic of ireland and the republican guard teaming up with the American republicans just to make trains run on shuttle blow up on time and keep voters thinking that theylive in a democracy. all the while the american soviet turncoats are lias and antiintellectuals who dpon't want anyone to think anything but THE SOVIET IDEAL IS ALLPOWERFUL. or why they cal it "totaliarianism" when orwell figured out what he had lent his gun and his strength to he jyumped out and wrote a revealing tale about -- but as yyou can see by the light of your viewscreen -- he was too late. yahoo! and bleah.

So what if you have an international decades-spanning group of ibnvestors(FNORD) whose goal has been world domination since sometime before 1884? So what if they combine the most reprehensiblie racist ideologies -- eugenics and Aryanism -- with socialist rhetoric and capitalist goals spread over two centuries.

So what if they financed Hitler and other famous military dictators and soem of the most infamous military nation-states of modern history
Relax. it's just the Conspiracy!
After a while yo ubecame concerne, as historical research and daily media confirmed your intuitions that a inetrnatinal league of Satanic devotees were involved in a long term plot to enslave and control all humanity -- all thetime sworn to never admit their existance? You were a person of conscience and this frightened and disturbed you -- you wanted to do something about it and ran intopeople who swore 'ah, there's no such thing! There's no conspiracy...that's that SubGenius crap you've been reading or some such raving nutter tripe. Only the medicationally mad and the seriously stupid believe in that kind of stuff.' denial, almostwherever you went.

So relax! After all if you die a good person you get to go to Heavn!

odds are there aren't any Satanists there. What would you want to "do" about it?

remember that these people, "Illuminists" as they are called -- actually do posess a great deal ofthestuff that we call sci-fi -- mind manipulation devices are just part of the secret. And it IS a secret - devotees of Lucifer such as Adam weishaupt and the original Illuminati who were there for the framing of the U. S. Constitution are devoted to secrecy. Writers like Robert Anton Wilson, kerry Thornely, Riane Eisler, Tom Robbins, Kurt Vonnegut and myself have been exposing their ill deeds for a long time. But it seems like no one can do anything about them. ignore it and it will go away. Look at George Burns!

yes. Go out and rent "OH, GOD" and watch it because that's who you'll be looking to for help -- God!! because that is the unifying connective chain of the Illuminati -- their origins as Luciferians mark them as the very beings who hate the idea of God -- people who understand and believe in god are the ones they seek todecieve, sabatage and turn against each other.

DID YOU KNOW that of most of the people diagnosed wit mental illnesses in federal hospitals in tehnited States and the world are suffering directly from the effects of psychotronic mind manipulation devices developed -- and kept secret -- by the Illuminists? they are the "Global Insanity team" and perhaps that is why there are idiot tales of friendly fire coming out of Iraq -- george herbert walker bush is one of the "Shadow Kings" of the international (oh yeah, international -- it's not just white American industrialists -- they are all overthe world and all foresworn to Lucifer, ahriman, you know -- the "Bad Guys." they practically INVENTED 'double think' -- even though Alexander is reported to have used the technique of sending out bad information (lies) in order to weaken those that eventually would be conquered.

Just give up. there's nothing you can do.

thatis exactly, of course, whatthey wantypou to think. Others saythat their time is utterlyup -- their tactcis of lying and obiously lyinghave become obvious in this Indigo awakening/photonic immersion period of human development --- some would argue and have that the human brain is evolving at a fundamental wake -- reating a seeming "spike" in human development that will create a new class of "naked emperors" --

illuminists in every nation swearing asloudly s theycan 'we do not exist!''s just your old buddy Hitler -- in many nations, even in israel, still sick with antisemitic hatred and lusting for power for its own sake -- and also deciueving as many people as possible for world control. that's justwhat the Illuminti and the alleged new World order Shadow king george herbert walker bush proposed bac in the eighties. And he is the current pawn they always use pawns, pawns that wil lie and have no love for humanity -- othethan lip service


ever LOOK at an american $1 bill? if you are lucky enough to have one in these economically recessed times (for most of us...that lucky 3% who control the rest are having a blast with your money. In the desert. while people die.) take one of those bucks out and look. It says Novo ORDUS SECULORUM -- New World order.

now feel good about yourself.

"Look...a Slimy Buck!"
--unidentified rogue SubGenius

That is a Buck for all the people who deny that the Illuminati exist and have existed since before Reagan, before Bush and Hitler, before George F. Will, Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter...before the Constitution The Secret Masters of The Illuminati were THERE...and it was their say-so that approved the "Great Seal" of the United States. Oh yeah. i don't know if that storyabout betsy Ross is true but the illuminati designed that pictureonteback of the american dollar bill.

the hebrews were being castigated enslaved and chastised for their obedience to one god, such as it were, in dynastic egypt, by those famous imperial polythits, the egyptians...later soem imperialistic polytheists

see...they swear to secrecy, right?

So of COURSE they insist that they aren't real. thepointis decieving you, making you crazy, driving you to the point of JOINING THEM because you can't lick' em. they ae there to makepeopel nuts and get their life energy -- they are moe like vampires than vampires are -- their idea of a greatpowr source is the dilligent worker who does whatthey aretold with civic responsibility andperhaps a healthy sense of "patriotism" -- that person will give their entire life and all their energy to the international industrial complex -- and then die embittered but neverhaving a clue what theywere working for and who was getting most of the energy --

that's TRANSFERRABLE POWER. when one person works blindly for secret servants of lucifer -- it's just one guy. When all the people in a nation do it they start sputtering and lying helplessly because, wow, they're LIARS. they lie because it's just about all they know (and that's the hint, teh secret, the loose stone in their foundation, the chink in their armor of deception. Although there are more.) Like trent Lott -- who screwed up and revealed how much of a racist he had BEEN ALL ALONG -- or obvious childof psychological abuse george W. Bush who has a speech impediment and a history of drug addiction and abuse -- those are both cries for HELP as mostpeopel with a minimal understanding of psychology understand.