An Immodest Proposal for An Idea.

by Sheepdog Saturday, Jan. 15, 2005 at 6:07 AM

We need to show the nazis in America that real Americans stick up for their own. No chicken f**king matter what they do or don't worship, look like or honorably do for a living; an idea of sticking up for everyone. Everywhere. We need to wear the Islamic Cresent.

An Immodest Proposal for An Idea.

When the nation a Denmark was occupied by the German army and the order was given to have all jews display the six pointed star, the King came out with one installed upon his state finery in public as a show of solidarity.
Everyone wore the star and the slaughter in mass of the jewish citizens of Denmark was thwarted. Well, that was an era of leaders, at least, for Danes.
I believe that a serious effort must be made to stress a common bond in order to counter the tactics of division. An open source head banging, perhaps.
My idea would be a common visual symbol that would resonate with Christians, Gays, Construction workers, and generally the public that is being squeezed into debt, taxed everywhere they go and then watch those taxes go to the military and their symbiotic contractors in that den of thieves, known as Washington DC/Wall Street.
Here at home.
The water and air remains tainted as our common wealth like the air waves are exploited, our forests mountain tops raped and destroyed and our social security funds being looted for a few wealthy parasites as the debt we now carry as a nation from fraud and kleptomania by the enemy, into off shore accounts. Dan Rather, on CBS, on Sept 10 2004 reported a 2+[ T] -Two Plus $TRILLION accounting loss of military hardware. (?)
The beat goes on. Schools need books or working bathrooms? Is there a free public health clinic near you if your kid has an ear ache and is crying while you're between being downsized? Go to the emergency room when it gets too bad? Think about how many fully staffed hospitals an air craft carrier represents.
Our freedumbs.
The passage of an unpopular Patriot Act 2 by a jelly fish congress. And the nomination of Goss, Gonzalas and Gobbles. Whee.

What is the common thread that all of the lawful, moral people that make this country and work to better it for the future, share? And how do we come together over it?
Oh, and perhaps the cresent is not the best idea even though I personally think it's a bitchen idea... like that Danish King, you know.
All religions are personal in my opinion.