Gang Stalking

by Stephen DeVoy Monday, Dec. 27, 2004 at 8:48 PM

The web expands along another dimension. [This has been placed in the Raise The Fist section due to the fact that the gang stalking organization referenced takes credit for turning Sherman Austin in to the FBI.]

Gang Stalking


I recently had a major breakthrough regarding the harassment campaign directed against me.  During the Republican National Convention a defamatory article was published on NYC IndyMedia.  It featured another of the many doctored images that my harassers have produced.  When I read the article, I was very busy and archived it, not bothering to take a close look at it.  Recently, I released a book about the harassment I’ve experienced and when I was looking for examples of their defamation, I came across the article and noticed something very odd about the doctored photo.


In the doctored photo I am wearing glasses.  I only wear glasses when I’m reading.  I am far sighted and do not need glasses for anything other than reading.  The glasses were not added to the image.  They are my glasses.  In fact, they are glasses I have not worn since I left my former employer Cycorp in 2002.  If you look carefully at the glasses you can see that they are magnifying my face behind them.  That is because I am far sighted.  Convex lenses are used by farsighted people.  I add this last fact to stress that the glasses were not added to the image.


In the image my face is significantly fatter than it is now.  Due to the impoverishment imposed upon me by the harassers, I have lost much weight since working at Cycorp.  The photo, therefore, is around three years old, which is when the harassment started.


The photo features a design on the shirt that has been superimposed.  Three years ago, no one was wearing such T-shirts.  They did not exist.  The hat has been added to my head to make me look freakish.  Interestingly, the image file, as posted on NYC IndyMedia is called heswearingacooliehat.jpg.  The word “coolie” is racist and reflects upon the attitude of the person that doctored the photo.  My ex-wife is Vietnamese and I take great offense at the use of the word “coolie” to describe a Vietnamese hat.


If you look closely at my wrists in the photo, you will see that my wrists are resting upon the arm rests of a chair.  If you look at my legs in the photo, you see that they’ve been altered to make it appear as if I’m standing, by leaning against something.  This photo was derived from a photo of me sitting in a chair, wearing my glasses.  The chair is an office chair.  Therefore, this is a doctored photo of me as I turn to the right to glance at someone that has come into my office to take a photo.


The office chair is not any office chair.  It is the office chair of my office at Cycorp.  Only two photos were taken of me while employed at Cycorp.  The first photo was taken of me at a Halloween costume contest.  I was dressed as Fidel Castro in that photo.  Fidel Castro does not usually wear glasses and I did not wear glasses for the photo dressed up as Fidel.


The other picture was taken in my office without my consent.  Cyndy Matuszek, daughter of major league AI researchers David L. Matuszek and Paula Andre Matuszek, both friends of Douglas B. Lenat, president of Cycorp, reported to me at Cycorp as my deputy.  I was the director of the programming department at the time.  Cyndy burst into my office, asked me to turn around and snapped my photo with a digital camera.  I have a pleasant expression on my face in the photo, not because I wish to have my photo taken, but because I personally liked Cyndy very much.  I did everything I could to help her advance at Cycorp.  Unfortunately, I did not know at the time that Cyndy was engaged in a campaign of harassment against me.  Her goal was to have me removed for Cycorp and then rise in the corporation.


That photo was never published online before the defamatory doctored version of it posted on NYC IndyMedia.  That photo belongs to Cyndy Matuszek.


I have mentioned Josiah Hagen as one of the members of the harassment campaign.  He is a member of the harassment campaign.  I have no doubt about that.  There is an interesting connection between Cyndy Matuszek and Josiah Hagen that goes beyond simply being coworkers at Cycorp.


I was never impressed with Josiah Hagen’s abilities, personality or character.  In fact, I caught him stealing at Cycorp.  Nevertheless, Cyndy came into my office one day and asked me if I’d be willing to add Josiah to my staff as a deputy too.  She explained that Josiah was depressed and could use a boost.  She said he expressed interest in the idea.  Against my better judgment, in an effort to cheer up Josiah, I added him as a deputy.  I thought it might improve his morale.


Josiah quickly began working to undermine me.  He’d disrupt meetings.  He interfered with my desire to move an Islamic woman into a position of importance.  He came into my office to show me a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fake work used to smear Jews.


The harassment against me began online just after Cyndy took the photo.  Josiah attempted to get me to use his brother’s D.C. Registry, a forum that Josiah would later use to publish forged articles in my name and to defame me.  At that time, however, I did not realize that Josiah was one of the Internet stalkers harassing me.  He even had the nerve to come into my office one day and ask if I ever read a book about how to ruin someone’s life.  I asked him why he’d ask me that.  “I don’t know,” he said, “it might be useful.”


Cyndy would often come into my office to discus my philosophy of management.  My management philosophy is based on the theory of complex adaptive systems, it is decentralized and anarchist in nature.  Cyndy would tell me that she thought my beliefs about anarchism were dangerous.


One week, Cycorp was holding a class on Cyc, their product.  Cyndy told me that there was someone she just “had” to introduce me to.  It was her mother, Paula Andre Matuszek.  Paula Matuszek, in Cycorp’s lunch room, immediately began questioning me about my political beliefs and about my position on the Arab/Israeli conflict.  I was very kind to her.  I thought she was a charming person and so I was taken aback when she ended the conversation with the statement, “You are a very convincing and persuasive person.  That makes you dangerous.  Someone should stop you.”


I was astonished by this statement and wrote it off as the ramblings of an old woman that perhaps had begun to lose it in her old age.


Shortly thereafter the harassment increased and I was removed from my job as explained in the article Cycorp: Corporatist COINTELPRO.  The process included a visit from the Defense Intelligence Agency.


Over the past three years of harassment, I have been subject to ritual defamation, libel, slander and all kinds of threats, including threats against my daughter and wife.  I have proved the connection between the harassment and various law enforcement agencies.  The harassers have acknowledged the involvement of law enforcement agencies, and so this is not some meandering path away from my previous assertions, this is a refinement of them.


There is an important observation to make here.  Douglas Lenat, Paula Andre Matuszek and David L. Matuszek are all part of a much larger mutual admiration society, the old guard of artificial intelligence, who, in my personal opinion, have elevated themselves to a position of importance based more on their public statements of mutual praise than on anything they have accomplished.  If three AI researchers are involved in the harassment, then may it not be the case that more are involved?  This is not, as you will see, an unjustified inference.  There is great reason to suspect this based on evidence.


Looking at the character of the defamation, I began to think back to my first experience working with another member of this mutual admiration society.  Much earlier in my life, I worked for Ascent Technology, a firm in Cambridge , Massachusetts famous for its connection to Patrick Henry Winston, another member of the mutual admiration society and his wife, Karen Prendergas, president of the corporation.  Working for Ascent was a nightmare.  Let me explain why.


Ritual defamation was common at Ascent.  The primary leader of this defamation was Karen Prendergas.  This defamation was aimed at many different individuals of whom I am but one.


When I began working for Ascent, I heard daily tales about a previous employee, a man with the nickname “Saz”, who is responsible for coming up with the name Ascent (a major contribution to the history of the corporation, one for which you think they would be thankful).  Saz was not well liked by Karen, but he did not know it.  In fact, he would come back to visit frequently, thinking he was liked.  As soon as he left, Karen would go into an angry session about how his visits were a waste of their time.


Many stories were told about Saz.  All of the worst originated with Karen or Patrick.  Jan, another worker at Ascent, famous for her overuse of the word “Pongo” as an insult, recounted to me a story about what Patrick Henry Winston had said about a term paper by Saz.  I will not recount the remarks, though I could, but what is significant about this is that, to the best of my understanding, what goes on between a student and his or her professor, regarding education, is protected by law from public release.  Yet, Jan knew all about Patrick Henry Winston’s true thoughts about Saz’s paper.


During a group lunch, one day at Ascent, Karen Prendergas brought up a horrendous story, which I may add is a classic case of ritual defamation, about Saz.  The most disturbing thing about this story is that the most important part of it is based on her IMAGINATION and not on reality.  Yet, her IMAGINATION was used to fatally smear him.


According to Karen, she came to Ascent during off hours, unannounced.  It was common for workers at Ascent to work all night long, all weekend long, through holidays and all other kinds of obscene exploitation.  Saz was in the back of the office when she arrived.  According, to Karen, Saz called out asking her not to come back for a moment.  He had spent the night and was changing.  Note, he warned her not to come back.  That means he was attempting to protect her from a surprise and was not hiding it.


Karen deduced, and stated to the group at lunch, that Saz was wandering naked around the office when no one was there.  We have no evidence that this is the case.  Saz did not have a regular office.  He had a cubical.  No one was there at the time.  She never saw him wandering around naked.  He had worked all night long, for her benefit and was changing.  Her thanks to him for this sacrifice was to defame him behind his back as an office streaker.  In my opinion, this is outrageous.


On another occasion, a man came by to visit.  I do not know his name.  I was in my twenties at the time and this man was in his forties.  He came by because he was under the impression that Karen was a friend.  When he left, another session of ritual defamation began.


Karen stated to everyone, at lunch, that the man was manic-depressive and believed that the CIA was out to get him, which she asserted was a false belief.  Now, let’s examine this closely.  How did she know he was manic-depressive?  Most manic-depressive people keep their illness to themselves.  How did she know that he believed the CIA was out to get him?  Perhaps he told her.  If he did, how did she know the CIA was not out to get him unless she had inside information about who was out to get him?


In another strange act of ritual defamation, the topic of Richard Stallman somehow came up, once again at a public lunch.  Karen noted her opinion that Stallman, whom she characterized as an anarchist, did not bathe.  She then "intimated" to her large audience of coworkers that Stallman had "confided in her" that he he suffers from a fear of being washed down the drain of the shower.  Of course, we all found this explanation to be rather odd.  Karen then went on to explain that is is a mental illness.  "Some children have this fear," she explained, "but they get over it as they mature.  Some people, however, never get over it."  What was the purpose of this discussion?


While working for Ascent, I experienced a great deal of harassment.  Everything I said or did was analyzed.  For example, if I brought in a frozen dinner for lunch, Karen would make statements like, “that’s gross, what did they do, throw a whole chicken into a blender?”  Jan would criticize me for what I drank.  For a time I was trying to determine whether I was lactose intolerant.  I had been as a child and was getting sick frequently.  I switched over to drinking soy milk.  I was taunted with statements like, “what’s that, Baby formula?”


From an experience I will recount in a moment, I knew that Phillip, a vice president for the corporation, would spend some of his time looking around workers’ personal files on the file system.  I wrote a program to encrypt my files in order to keep them private.  This sent him into a paranoid frenzy about what I was hiding, confirming that he was trying to read my personal files (which, by the way, were philosophy papers I wrote on my own time).


For a summer, Ascent employed an intern named Peter.  Peter was a little strange, but not much stranger than anyone else there.  One day both Andy and Philip asked me if I had looked through the personal files of Peter on the server.  They remarked about all of the personal information about his life and how weird the things he had written were.  They even publicly harassed him over the contents of those files.


Everyone at Ascent, it seemed, was looking for some psychological motivation behind everything.  When I went for my interview at Ascent, I wore a fake Rolex watch.  I wore it because someone had visited Korea and gave it me.  It was the only watch I had.  Later, when Philip discovered it was fake, he accused me of deceiving him during the interview.  Is this not absurd?  I had no idea anyone would be examining the fine details of my watch.  To me it was just a cheap watch and nothing more.


Philip was unique in certain ways.  He was older then me by quite a few years and was still a virgin.  No woman lived up to us expectations, he would claim.  A beautiful woman working at the office, no longer employed by Ascent and subject to torment herself, told me that she believed she had been hired by Ascent as an attempt by Karen to find Philip a woman.  There were many attempts to set the two up.  Philip went on and on to me one day about how disappointed he was in the immorality of this woman because she had dated a married man.  He claimed this was the reason for his lack of interest.  Once again, a coworker was being smeared behind her back.


Over time, more and more bizarre things began to occur at Ascent.  Clearly, I was being harassed.  I asked Philip about it and he said, “Everyone thinks you’re paranoid.  In fact, they removed the light above your cubical to make you feel singled out.”  I told him that he must be joking.  He told me that it was true.  It was done intentionally with Karen’s consent.


While working for Ascent, I was a socialist.  I sometimes wore a pin declaring myself to be a socialist.  For this I was harassed by Jan and another coworker Andy.  They went so far as to claim that my interest in socialism meant that I was crazy.


While working there, Andy came in depressed and told me he had to leave the country.  He had been cheating on his wife.  They had two children.  His new girlfriend was 17 years old.  His wife accused him, he told me, of pedophilia and threatened him over something regarding his daughter.  I told him, and I was sincere, that I did not believe he was a pedophile.  I let him know how sorry I was that he was going through this.  Andy left the country and went to Hong Kong .  While this was happening, I ran into Andy’s wife at a lecture at MIT.  She had her daughter with her.  Her daughter sat between us and scrunched up next to her mother, trying to put some distance between us.  Her mother said to the little girl, “It’s OK.  He won’t hurt you.”  I took this to mean that she was now afraid of men.  The implication being that this had something to do with the accusations against her father.


A while after this happened, my nice and nephew drew pictures for me.  They were proud of their pictures.  They were also very, very young.  My nephew could hardly write.  In large letters he wrote, “I love you uncle Steve, especially…”  He ran out of space on the page when he hit the end of the word “especially.”  I hung these up in my office.  Karen walked in one day, read the picture that my nephew drew and said, “What did he leave out?  Why didn’t he finish is?  He loves you, especially WHEN WHAT?”


I could hardly imagine what she was implying.  Here I am, putting up a drawing by my beloved nephew and her mind comes to some bizarre inference about it.  When I was a child, I too did strange things when writing.  I broke words off in the wrong places when I hit the end of the page and if I ran out of space, I too might just stop writing.  What kind of mind leaps to bizarre conclusions about such things?  My guess is that someone with the hobby of ritual defamation might just do so.


Patrick Henry Winston was no angel either.  I was considering taking up an offer to go to Japan for a year and work as a consultant with an associate of Karen and Pat’s.  I began to get nervous about it.  I didn’t feel I was experienced enough for the task at hand.  I went to Patrick for advice.


For whatever reason, as I tried to begin the conversation with Patrick, I stuttered.  It isn’t something I often to do, but once in a blue moon it happens.  Patrick immediately went off mocking my stuttering by stuttering himself.  This was beneath contempt.


Once that act of ritual harassment was over, I explained to Patrick my second thoughts about going to Japan and explained that I was not ready for it.  He remarked, “The key to looking like you know something is to occasionally pause, make some remark about a wild and interesting research idea, and pretend you working on it, but don’t say anything more.  Everyone will think you are more important than you are.”


On another occasion I went to Patrick for advice about a difficult client.  Patrick’s reaction was, “In this business you just have to accept that many of the people you will meet are mentally ill.”  Somehow, without any evidence, the client had gone from difficult to mentally ill.


This went on until I could bear it no longer.  I found a job in California and left.


One day, while working in California , I entered my office to find my personnel file sitting on my desk.  This is the only case in my life where my personnel file just showed up on my desk for no reason at all.  I was curious so I opened it up.  I found my resume and noticed that there were notes on the back of it.  The resume had several names scrolled on the back with notes under each name.  The names were names of previous employers and/or references.  One of the names was Philip’s name.  Under Philip’s name was the quote, “Steve has marital difficulties.”


Now, while working at Ascent, I once entered Karen’s office and requested to travel less because my frequent traveling was stressing my relationship with my wife.  Karen responded, “have you considered speaking to a therapist?”  I was taken aback by this question and let her know it.  She responded, “Oh, I meant to say ‘marriage consular.’”  Ignoring the obvious swipe, the important thing to note here is that not only was the comment about my wife under Philip’s name, but the information came from Ascent.


I confronted Philip about that note on my resume.  He was upset and claimed that he never said such a thing.  He was angry that the note was there and started making statements about lawyers.  I leave you to make your own inferences.


Nevertheless, shortly after that personnel file ended up on my desk, my relationship with my employer went from fine to stressful.  Something had changed.  Surely, it wasn’t that note for it had been added to the back of the resume before hiring me.  I can only wonder if the personnel file was left on my desk in order to give me a tip about something going on in the background.


I had a few similar strange experiences over the years.  Things would go well at work and then suddenly I would have problems.  In one case someone faxed something to an employer.


Two years ago, after I was fired from Cycorp, an individual using the name “KOBE HQ” stated that he had successfully fucked up my employment on more than one occasion in the past.  Several individuals have posted as “KOBE HQ.”  Whoever was responsible for this remark must have predated Cycorp.


I now find myself in the middle of a long online smear campaign.  I can prove the involvement of Cycorp.  However, what is interesting is the nature of the defamation and the potential connections between Ascent and Cycorp.  Douglas Lenat worked at MIT’s AI lab for a while.  Patrick Henry Winston has been the director of the same AI lab.  Mary Shepherd, Doug Lenat’s wife, worked in Boston as well.  Lenat and Winston know each other personally.


The current smear campaign has declared its intent to keep me unemployed.  They have published libelous articles using my name accusing me of all kinds of bizarre things, such as killing my grandmother, raping my grandmother's dead body, being an anti-Semite, being a terrorist and being a pedophile, all of which I have not only never been involved with but find abhorrent.  I find the coincidences between my experience at Ascent and the harassment coming from, among other things, Cycorp to be too strong to ignore.  On the KOBEHQ website, they stated that they are not Cycorp (which is a lie).  However, they stated that they provided Cycorp with “certain information” that led to my dismissal.  Whatever that information is, it is bogus.