USA's FSD more lethal than WMDs

by DLi Thursday, Dec. 09, 2004 at 8:07 AM

Prior to the naked Imperial aggression on the people of Iraq in March of 2003, the Bush regime repeatedly sowed fear onto the public by falsely claiming that Iraq had thousands of terrifying WMDs and that the World couldn't afford to wait for the evidence "in the form of a mushroom cloud," a clear reference that Saddam had nukes & would unleash them to kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians. As it turned out, it was the USA's own illegal & immoral Invasion-turned-Occupation that deployed thousands of USA's WMDs which killed up to 100,000 or more of Iraqi civilians...

But what really enabled the US government to deploy these genocidal WMDs to kill tens of thousands of innocent women & children, and yet not suffered a resounding defeat at the polls(nor for that matter, even been confronted with huge outcries from Congress or human rights groups)?

The sad truth of the matter--unrecognized even by large segments of the domestic Peace & Progressive movement--is that the hegemony of Monopoly Capital is so overwhelming that the the FSD(Full Spectrum Dominance) of the USA enabled its unleashing of WMDs without massive or substantive opposition from the WPO, or World Public Opinion.

First & foremost, the Monopoly Capitalist regime in USA had spent literally Trillions of Dollars in public relations campaigns since WW II to consolidate not only a Mass Consumerist Culture(the advertising sector of the US economy is an annual 0 Billion-strong industry), but to inculcate an ideological strangelhold on the popular discourse. The corporate-bin-laden media is instrumental in framing all areas of public debate in the context of protecting American 'freedom & democracy' against the Evil-doers of the World(whom "we freedom-loving Americans" label as 'terrorists.")

(to be continued..., D. Li)

Original: USA's FSD more lethal than WMDs