by UNTERMENSCH Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 at 11:38 PM


HERRENVOLK: You have declared war on us, and there are those of us still scratching our heads wondering what went wrong, where's the provisional ballots, bla bla bla, but there are some of us already engaged in this war. We are defending ourselves, and we are not afraid of you.

We need to wake up and realize that they have delcared war on us, a culture war, whether we want to fight it or not. We are the enemy to them. They want us as dead as they wanted the Jews and gypsies and homosexuals dead in Germany. And they are doing everything they can to kill us.

We need to wake up and fight back. Pacifism and self-defense are two different things. It's time to throw away the NO WAR signs and realize we are under attack, realize that there are times when war is unavoidable. It's time to start fighting back.

We need to look around and recognize who the soldiers of the ruling race are. Because they're all around us. We are surrounded by fascists, and internally, we are inhabited and colonized by fascism. We need to be creative, smart, and fucking HIGHLY cunning in how we respond. When you are surrounded by fascism, every moment of the day is an assault, and you must be engaged and fully aware or you will be crushed by them. Just look around if you don't believe me--so many on the left are fucking crushed, never mind the shell-shocked "civilians" who wander around like zombies in a daze from one Starbucks to another.

And we need to look around and see the fascists on the Left. If I hear one more white person excuse the role white supremacy played in electing Bush by trying somehow to blame the minority vote, I'm gonna go into conniptions. No, seriously though, you fucking supremacists on the Left--you aren't necessarily white, but most of you are, and I'm sick of the way your presence is dragging shit down. As Malcolm X put it, if you really want to help, then get the fuck out of the way and let us fight. Or something along those lines. We are busy trying to fight, you are busy trying to drag yet another meeting out as long as possible until we are all too worn out to do anything. You use words and discourse and false arguments to dull the movement and lead our logic and emotion down dead-end paths, the same way the oppressors have dulled this society and led it down a dead-end path to apathy and despair.

I am being purposefully inflammatory here because we need to start hashing this shit out. Enough bullshit, I'm sick of you fuckers ruining everything. In all the organizing and activist work I've done, I've seen it over and over, this fucking supremacist authoritarian bullshit seeps into everything, and the source is almost always white men and women. Patriarchy is a related, but separate issue, which warrants its own separate discussion. Because I always see men pouding things into the ground with patriarchy, too, but their modes are different, and therefore the understanding of it and the means of confrontation need, I believe, to be slightly different. Here, I am specifically talking about how whites use, specifically, white supremacy, to choke things. Both could be boiled down to authoritarianism. But it's interesting to me how it's by and large white people (especially men) who always want to focus on this commonality and conclude that therefore, we should not bother talking about race or gender and instead focus on confronting authority in general. Hmmm, how conveeeeeenient...

Like a lot of shit with you guys. Always somehow convenient for you, isn't it? The way you interact, the way you communicate, the way you create the context of everything--the fact that YOU create the context in the first place, despite your denials of it. And you don't see it, you never fucking see it. Like all people entrenched behind fortified totalitarianism, you are unassailable in your positions. Even when you make the "attempt" to listen and understand, the way you do it is at base disengenuous, because you don't really ever give up your position of privilege, do you?

And we recognize it. You think you are pulling something over on us but you're not. We see it and most people just give up trying to deal with you and just try to find ways around you and get on with their lives and work with minimal interference from you. You fucking white leftists who think you are so down with the people, down with the movement. You know who you are. You Bob Avakians who go around spouting ebonics while pushing yet another stale old authoritarian line. You Chiapas-hoppers cruising back home from your vacation "caravan" flush with Zapatismo and the glow of some new indigenous-made bracelets. You white leftists criticizing any nationalist/race-based identity politics and immediately dismissing any critique of your OWN racism from your nice comfortable positions of privilege--your "safe" social markings of the "right" skin tone and hair color, your big fat suburban homes, your nice schools for your kids. I don't care how many protest signs you carry, I don't care what books you read, I don't care what movements you align yourself with, as soon as you open your fucking mouth, I hear it. We all do. It's clear. You can be spouting the most "radical" leftist bullshit from your mouth but what you are really communicating comes through to us loud and clear: "I AM SUPERIOR TO YOU. I DEMAND THAT YOU FEEL INFERIOR TO ME. YOU WILL NOT CHALLENGE MY POSITION. YOU WILL INTERACT AND COMMUNICATE ON MY TERMS HERE. ANY ATTEMPT TO DO OTHERWISE WILL BE CRUSHED."

Whatever is in your heart, it always comes through. In your words, in your actions, in your body language. You can't hide it.

And that's why despite all this inflammatory shit, I also say that there are white people who ARE cool. I know because I have met you and I have seen your true heart. But before you get back on your high self-righteous Puritanical horse and start including yourself among these (because I know most of you, by automatic lefty/white reflex, already did), IT IS VERY VERY VERY FEW OF YOU that fall under this category. And even those who are cool are so in large part because they recognize the racism in themselves and are willing to confront it ON THEIR OWN and deal with their OWN shit without dumping it on everybody around them.

And this is my final rant. If you're racist and you know it, FIX YOUR SHIT!!! right? But no. Even here, what I see happening is, if you don't flat out deny it and find some clever way to dismiss the charges, then you turn to every non-white person around you and start crying boo hoo I'm racist, am I racist? do you think I'm racist? yes, I am, oh my god, I try so hard, I thought I was down with the people, what do I do? what do I do? what do I do???? like fucking Fredo in The Godfather-----and once again, you've imposed yourself on everybody and, of course, DOMINATED the situation with your presence. Sound familiar?

Get out of the way, check your shit, and deal with it. Otherwise, you are simply reproducing the supremacist shit you claim to be fighting. Otherwise, you are helping the other side by wasting our time and energy dealing with YOU instead of them. In the end, the line is blurred between which whites are attacking us and which are supposedly helping us. In the end, it doesn't really matter much which is which then, right? Kerry hopefully made that crystal clear to every dopey liberal white Dem who slapped an election bumpersticker on their SUV and kicked back to wait for electoral politics to save them from another four years of big bad bush.

In the meantime, the rest of us are working to save us ALL from another four HUNDRED years of big bad white supremacist fuckers.