Human Bombs and Marx: Aswer to "The Jewish Question"

by John Paul Cupp Monday, Nov. 15, 2004 at 7:42 AM


Human Bombs and Marx: Aswer to "The Jewish Question"
---John Paul Cupp, North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism
I. Confronting Zionism and The Pathology of the Jewish "Nation"
For those of us in the United States and other western imperialist nations, as a continuation of and a deciding factor in our internationalism, is are our stances on Zionism, and its illegitimate entity on land, which collectively belongs to the Arab people. Real anti-Zionism is the hands down refusal to recognize the Zionist entity of "Israel's" right to exist because Zionism is the fastest growing strengthening force for the fascism in power of our era. It is also the particularly violent nullification of the Arab identity of Palestine, which plays the key geo-political role of uniting the African wing of the Arab nation, with its other half in Asia. Because Zionism is a settler-colonial fascist movement, and because history teaches us well that the gun is the primary mode in national liberation and anti-fascist struggles, our foremost obligation is to stand side by side with Arab and Islamic resistance, principally armed resistance, against the Zionist entity of "Israel". We know that "Peace in the Middle East" means surrender. One cannot peacefully coexist with a predator.
No matter how many times you choose to jumps up and down demanding workers ownership of the means of production or of the rights of nations to self-determination, to recognize the Zionist entity's right to exist, is to capitulate to the fascism in power or our era. That is to say, recognizing and normalizing with the Zionist entity, as one would and should with a valid nation, is to slam the door on the resistance of the popular classes. Such means putting one's self or organization squarely were the Zionist Enemy wants our popular energy, objectively in the Zionist camp, particularly if it is under the guise of "Pro-Palestinian".
Contrary to the neo-Bundist assertion of "pro-Palestinian" Jewish "peace" and "solidarity" groups, "Jews" constitute a religious group and not a nationality. They meet none, let alone all five of the traits of a nationality. For this reason, there is no right to self-determination for "Jews" anymore than there is for any other religion (or lack of). If one chooses to be a Jew, or one comes from a "Jewish" background, such is not equal to the collective character of a nationality. On the contrary, Jews are part of the nations to which they are from. We see then the overwhelming extreme super majority of "anti-Zionist" and "pro-Palestinian" Ashkenazic Jewish groups and personages, are objectively part of the Zionist camp, even if they make liberal and pseudo-leftist assertions.
As obvious as this may sound, I believe it is necessary to remind my dear reader that Palestine is an Arab regional unit, it belongs to the Arabs, regardless of the faith of their choosing, and to the Arab people alone. Just as Marcus Garvey stated "Africa for the Africans", the Arabs say that their lands are a collective birthright.
The original Palestinian Charter, clearly and correctly states:

"Article 19:
The partition of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of Israel is null and void from the very beginning, whatever time has elapsed because it was done contrary to the wish of the people of Palestine and their national right to their homeland and contradicts with the principles embodied in the charter of the UN, the first of which is the right of self- determination."
"Article 20:
The Balfour Declaration, the mandate document and what has been based upon them are considered null and void. The claim of a historical or spiritual tie between Jews and Palestine does not tally with the historical realities nor with the constituencies of statehood in their true sense. Judaism in its character as a religion of revelation, is not a nationality with an independent existence. Likewise, the Jews are not one people with an independent personality. They are rather citizens of the states to which they belong."
What Do Marx and Lenin say about the Jewish question? They suggest virtually the exact same thing as the original Palestinian Charter. While western leftists of may different tendencies, and in fact most leftists and tendencies, have surrendered to Zionism on the Jewish Question, the original Palestinian Charter, is very much in the Marxist/dialectical tradition.

In "On the Jewish Question" by Karl Marx, the great father of sociology, we have a very real ideological weapon which nearly 100 yrs before WWII stated clearly and correct the following:
"But the Jew, too, can behave towards the state only in a Jewish way -- that is, by treating it as something alien to him, by counterposing his imaginary nationality to the real nationality, by counterposing his illusory law to the real law, by deeming himself justified in separating himself from mankind, by abstaining on principle from taking part in the historical movement, by putting his trust in a future which has nothing in common with the future of mankind in general, and by seeing himself as a member of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people as the chosen people."
"Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man -- and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world -- both the world of men and nature -- of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man's work and man's existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it.
"The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. "
What does all this mean?
1. The Answer to the Jewish Question is the Assimilation of the Jews into the Various Nations Were They Belong.
The cause of a "Jewish nation" (and you could call it Hebrew or Israeli and its still just a rose by any other name,) is INHERANTLY AND INTENTIONALLY REACTIONARY. There is nothing good about it. With the most disgusting of pathology, vulgar historical manipulation, and sophisticated coercion (particularly economic power) the Zionists and their lackeys, even as far back as Marx's era, have been active in attempting to segregate themselves from the rest of the masses. They thrive on intentionally dividing the working class, by infiltrating progressive and revolutionary organizations, and combating those forces principally opposed to them.
2. Zionism and Imperialism are Two Side of the Same Coin.
In a prelude outline of the Palestinian Charter, hosted on the website of the Socialist Arab Coalition of North America are 4 key points. We see that they are as follows:
"1.The Arab identity of Palestine
2.Armed struggle is the only method to liberating Palestine
3.The Arab unification struggle is integrally linked to the liberation of Palestine 4.Zionism and imperialism are faces of the same coin and are organically connected and must be both fought and defeated."
Many of you, no doubt, know the pain and torment of being an anti-Zionist in the US, of the stupidity and backwardness of our movements ideologically, as like sheep they flock to the real "third positionists" whose only aim is to cut their throat. Such opportunist may hide behind the prop of "unity", "lesser of two evils", " (fake) anti-fascism", "(fake) anti-Semitism", or even our very red flag! Regardless of the potential collateral damage amongst potential supporters, we must root out the cancer and break into nothingness, while openly advocating and educating possible allies in correct principled position
3. A Pathology of Suffering is the Great Lie and Tool of the Zionist Dollar Grab.
The worldly Jew of Marx and the Jew of the illusionary national identity, is a public suffering whore, with a self-victimization complex unprecedented in modern world history. The Hebrew is a hypocrite, who believes himself to be chosen and superior to others based upon the unscientific racism of eugenics, and then cries for tolerance and diversity. Would we also include the satanic masses into our program of tolerance and diversity?
It is not correct to say that one must reject or attack all religions or philosophical worldviews equally. In fact, on a purely ideological level, the Talmud is such a foul piece of garbage that in many respects, it redeems, if only in small part, the crimes committed in the name of Mohammed and Jesus, for both were forces replacing the hereditary-tribalism and eugenics of the Jew with universalism.
On both a spiritual and material level, Jewish suffering, in its entirety, is all a lie. This is particularly true when considering if such a Jewish nation, actually existed, that it would per capita surpass all others. It seems that such pathology is actually the eternal abyss of mammonism.
In the globalized world were the god of the Jew and the god of the western Christian, whose paths have met, not only is a god of money, but a god were globally, and without exception (unless you want to live under an embargo and joining the "Axis of Evil"), Zionism, essentially the Judaism in the era of imperialism, is a force which turns national culture and local solidarity into the church and synagogue of shopping malls and trendy coffee shops.
Were once sat a community center is the Jew’s gift to the world, a poison that super corrupts the mind of the youth were the women lusts for money and trinkets and the man for the sexism of oral intercourse and violently acquired power, an era when even the prophets of atheism mourn the soul.
What does all of this amount to? It amounts to the belief that violence against Jews, or killing a Jew, is a particular event, not based on such Jew's humanity, but rather upon their Jewishness. We see this with the Holocaust Myth, defended by an allegedly homicidal gas chamber you cannot question, despite hard evidence contrary the proclamation of its certain existence. We see this with regards to the violence of the Intifadah, the violence of the oppressed, which is necessary, and which is targeted against the fascism in power of our era, and against a violent settler colonial force.
Nothing is more shameful and embarrassing than seeing the left stand with Colombia and South Africa, then turn to Palestine and shamelessly demand of it to accept a "two-state" Bantu stand and even worse to deny its inherent and exclusive ARAB CHARACHTER. Such rats, which have surely buried themselves deep within our midst, would never dare suggesting this to anyone else, even with all the opportunism of its very existence as a pro-US chauvinism creature.
There must be 1,001 reasons not to support the Intifadah, but rather to subvert it, while wearing a kufia and calling one's self an "anti-Zionist". What's key, is to understand that this is NOT A NEW PHENOMENOM, NOR IS IT A MISUNDERSTANDING OR ACCIDENT. Without their MADE UP AND NOT SIMPLY MISUSED "Holocaust" (for a "holocaust" just isn't a holocaust if it isn't 100% "Jewish", if the "Jews" are not G-d's "chosen" and superior people to rule over the goyim, without the complex pathology of "Shoah", and most of all if the Nazi goal was not per say extermination but rather displacement.) they are nothing but more "White" European Colonialists to be spit upon and shot! The paradigm then correctly becomes one of crusaders and exterminationist occupiers, and not of "Jewish victims" and "Jewish refugees".
The Zionist Enemy has always traditionally fashioned its self as a "Liberation Movement", attempting to win support for the cause of "Israel". Yet we find the cause of Israel (and hence "Israeli" which is often misrepresented to progressives and revolutionaries in the west as a valid "ethnic group"), is the cause of finance capital. Its very aims always has been and always will be to participate in the world as the, or part of the fascism in power, i.e in Dimitrov's terms "... the open terrorist dictatorship, or the most reactionary, most chauveninistic, and most opertunistic elements of FINANCE CAPITAL."
Did you know that in fact during the Second International the Zionist Enemy had the disgust to suggest the need for a Zionist Party? We find that in his era, Lenin correctly understood that Zionism was much more dangerous than anti-Jewish sentiment.
"...the Zionist movement represents a greater direct threat to the growth of the class organization of the proletariat than does anti-Semitism."
I refer you to a favorite study packet of mine produced by Naji Alloush.
"The Bund and other parties raised the slogan of cultural-national autonomy. Lenin raised the slogan of "the right of nations to self-determination." At first glance it may appear that there is little difference between these slogans, but with a knowledge of their content the great difference between them becomes apparent. Cultural-national autonomy aims at the establishment of cultural-national units that represent nationalities and various national groups within the framework of one state. The nation or national group would not have one organization, but rather as many organizations as there were concentrations of members of that nationality. Thus, the Jews in Moscow would study in Yiddish, for example, while the Armenians there would study in Armenian, and so forth. Wherever there were Jews, it would be obligatory for the state to guarantee that they should study in their language and so forth. As to the other slogan, the slogan for the right of nations to self-determination, it aims at the liberation of all oppressed nationalities and the establishment of fraternal relations between the nations for the sake of their liberation. Lenin called for freedom of self-determination and emphasized the right to secession in order for that to become the path to the federation of nations, so that a voluntary, free federation could be attained. Lenin called for the right to secession, yet he opposed secession. He supported the right of oppressed nations to build their national entities, yet he resisted any bigoted, narrow nationalist spirit. Lenin placed the cause of the socialist revolution above the cause of national democratic revolution, but he wanted them to be merged together so that the latter would not stand as an obstacle in the way of the former."
This true document of integrity, the original Palestinian Charter, states:
Article 22:
Zionism is a political movement organically related to the world imperialism and is hostile to all movements of liberation and progress in the world. It is a racist and fanatic movement in its formation, aggressive, expansionist, and colonialist in its aims, fascist and nazi in its means. Israel is the tool of the Zionist movement and is a human and geographic base for the world imperialism. It is a concentration and a way for imperialism to the heart of the Arab homeland, to strike at the hopes of the Arab nation for liberation, unity and progress.
In other words:

A. Zionism is by Direct Designs in Opposition to ALL National Liberation Movements and in Alignment With the Most Predatory Forces of Imperialism
Zionism is INTENTIONALLY strengthening the forces of world imperialism via acting as an imperialist base, which divides the Arab Nation in two. Even the most malformed or reactionary of National Liberation Movements, OBJECTIVELY undermine imperialism and SUBJECTIVELY attempt to undermine imperialism. That Zionism is the opposite of this on both regards is no accident. Zionism by intent and designs has placed its self in the camp of world reaction, with the goals and aims of leading it and of leading those liberal-"leftist" pro-imperialist forces it controls or manipulates to the slaughter house and nothing more.
B. Zionism is EVERYBODY’S Issue, and it is the Enemy of Us All.
Anti-Zionism is your issue too! It is a worker's issue. It is a women's issue. It is an anti-fascism issue. It is an anti-globalism issue. It is an issue if you come from an exploited periphery nation, or simply are serious about sending imperialism to its grave.

Those of us who are anti-imperialists and leftists under stand that " The Worker Question" and "The Woman Question" etc do not exist in a vacuum but as a continuum, and contrary to the thinking of the liberal bourgeoisie feminists and the Socio-imperialist and socio-chauvinist labor leaders CAN NOT BE ANSWERED OUTSIDE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF NATIONS TO SELF DETERMINATION.
That Zionism, this great wrecker of nations, is another side of the same coin with Imperialism, PARTICULARLY SINCE THE ZIONIST ENTITY IS THE FASTEST GROWING FORCE IN THE WORLD FOR GLOBALISM makes it a non-negotiable front of importance for us all.
2. The Common Person’s Belief in the Particular Tragedy of the Jew (European Ashkenazic) is Historically the Pathological Ideological Justification for Predatory and Reactionary Behavior.
The pathetic and largely illusionary accusations of a particularly tragic suffering which "The Jews" have endured is a scam which long predates Nazi atrocities in World War II. In fact, at its basis is a secular bastardization of a "chosen people" and a simply non-existent "Diaspora". We see from Marx, that the liberation of the Jew, like the liberation of the Christian, is in abolishing capitalism, in the abandonment of mutual chauvinism, for all peoples in the nation state to coordinate together as part and parcel members of the revolutionary popular classes, and not in the "territorialism" which the Zionist enemy desires. It desires such not out of misguided feelings of sorrow and rage caused by so-called "anti-Semitism", but rather out of a similar predatory nature as that of an era of colonial exploitation which Columbus ushered in.
In later essays, I will get in to this intellectually dishonest paradigm of a Jewish "Holocaust", prime tool of world Zionism, and its meaning, but for know I simply wish to remind my comrades in the west, that their is nothing "special" about "Jewish" (Zionist) pathology. We demand intellectual debate and principled ideological discussion on virtually all matters, but it seems even most militant leftists, in the face of this make believe satanic tooth fairy calling itself a response to "rising anti-Semitism" land themselves squarely in the opportunist camp of political correctness, bowing for public display to real oppressors, when they claims fake oppression, as the tool for their real oppression of others.

II. Hurray For Human Bombs and Dead Zionist Colonialists!
With every resistance strategy and tactic, which is necessary, valid and effective, the aggressor angrily denounces it. As the aggressor sees his influence over the masses diminish, he fears such strategies and tactics. Hurray for the Self-blasting Shaheeds who strike fear in the Zionist enemy, who have found the Achilles heal of these wicked colonial usurpers, via martyrdom!
In other words, it is necessary, valid, and effective to hit the Zionist Enemy with Human Bombs. In fact, Human Bombs are one of the most powerful weapons of Anti-imperialist Class Struggle, and deserver our respect.
Jewish "anti-Zionist" Zionists aren't going to liberate Palestine.”Pro-Palestinian” Zionists aren't going to liberate Palestine. Western "leftists" and the "International Solidarity (with Clinton's betrayal of Palestine) Movement" are NOT going to liberate Palestine.
Ultimately, only Armed Struggle, the Human Bombs and Kalishnikovs of Islamic and Arab Freedom Fighters, defended by and part of the masses, are going to liberate Palestine. If you want to "Free Palestine" fight the demonization of freedom fighters and legitimate armed resistance to the Zionist Enemy!
We have already seen that "the Jews" are a religion and not a nationality, and talk of "Jewish" self-determination is nothing more than fascists worshipping money based on lies of oppression, while spending the night sleeping in a stolen bed on stolen ground. Likewise, we must root out the idea of an "Israeli" ethnicity or "civilian" statues, because it is the key argument used against martyrdom operations, and anything else that hits the Zionist enemy were it hurts.
We must reject "Israeli" as being a valid "ethnicity", because the paradigm of "Israeli" is of a fake "nationality" which does not have the right to exist anywhere. Likewise, we know that their are large numbers of Arab Jews, and we also know that those "Jews" operating under the "Israeli" apparatus are settler-colonialists INTENTIONALLY acting as the human base of Imperialism, in the heart of the Arab World. They also are willingly participating in a "nation" which rests on compulsory universal military duty. In other words, Human Bombs, as applied in Palestine can not be considered "terrorism" and in fact, they can not be considered "suicide" (which is forbidden in Islam and hence of out cultural insensitivity the main reason they are called such), anymore than if someone jumped on a hand grenade tossed at his platoon, in order to say the lives of his comrades. There is nothing more beautiful, poetic, and truly brave than to love so much as to willingly give up your life for your people (as opposed to suicide which is a selfish and idealistic act).
When "pro-Palestinian" Jews and fake leftists denounce armed resistance and human bombs, they do so because they are either wolves or led by wolves. Either way, we must root out real enemies, and stand by this precious weapon, which the Arab and Muslim peasant classes have discovered. If Human Bombs were not so very effective, the Zionists would not have a fearful pathology around it, just as they do their little Hollowcause. Compare this to the strategy and tactics of defeatism were we see the wolf eat the lamb again and again. Let me be clear, guerrilla warfare, is the particularly bloody overall line and strategy, of national liberation movements facing a technologically and economically far superior adversary. One does not beat such an enemy with conventional warfare, and besides the Intifadah does not have as its arsenal any weapons of mass destruction, tanks, or aircraft.
Were fake leftists have failed Palestine; Hamas has taught us all a lesson about the greatness of Humanity, a lesson which granted Sheik Yassin and Dr. al-Rantisi their martyrdom. Being an anti-Zionist does not require you to be a human bomb, but it does require you to actively support resistance, without reservation or apology. One cannot expect a lot of patience for opportunism, because you have a "Jewish" friend or relative, or are one, while a primary front of popular classes-led war against fascism wages on.
III. Closing Thoughts on Zionism As the Main "Litmus Test"
Before closing this, I wish to reiterate that the dividing line issue of our century, particularly for "leftists" is their objective stance on Zionism.The tactic of crying "Anti-Semitism" is slowly but surely wearing its self out, as if this great monster of Zionism has thrown too many sticks at its own potential support base, were it should have thrown carrots. Their is nothing I love to see more than the growth process of anti-Zionists, brought on by an individual or organization taking a stance against Zionism, only to be attacked as "racist anti-Semites" and to hear long dribble about some idiots dead grandmother at Auschwitz, and to have such said person become someone "Bolshevitized", if you will, into anti-Zionism, no matter their flaws. "Anti-Semitism", on a scholarly plane really does not even mean anything, anymore, even if it ever really did, particularly since Arabs are "Semitic" people. We have nothing to fear by taking the same principled approach to "Jewish" and "Zionist", as we do all else because chauvinism it all its forms, is intrinsically idealistic as a defining quality which lacks a dialectical quality and scientific basis. One just can't be overly scientific now can they, oh yea Zionized social democrats and defeatists?
Let the enemy eat human bombs, rocks, and Kalishnikovs if it refuses to leave! The rights to national self-determination, and to resist by any means necessary are the inalienable non-negotiable collective rights of the popular masses. Zionism isn't going to go away because international law kindly requested it to, because of dialogue, or because of hiding in fear of it. Zionism will go away when the neck of the illusionary Jewish nation is broken on all fronts, including both the economic and the military fronts. Whether Kassam Rockets or "International Law", whether their exist a Jewish nation, whether Jewish death and life can be studied scientifically, frankly whether it is okay for a Goyim (Gentile) to kill a Jew that is violating his wife and mother, and that will expose forever the near myth of anti-Zionist Jews.
The "Israeli" wouldn't be an "Israeli" if it chose to join humanity in the quest for social justice and revolution. For if he did, he would have assimilated into the nation to which he belonged. Blah, Blah, ...and Blah to the rhetoric. I'm not ever going to run for public office, anyways. The Jew is not so different from the Zionist after all. The donkey's arse is not the donkey, but this part is intricately related to the whole of the organism. The overwhelming extreme super-majority of Jews have chosen to close ranks with Zionist elements, have chosen to close ranks with fascism in power, and yet our struggle must be won. We cannot and must not abandon our principles or lower our ideological bar; so as to be able actively recruit Jewish support. This amounts to the pacifist self-hating philosophy of "speaking truth to power".
Like any national liberation and anti-fascist struggle, popular opinion in the enemy camp, will not improve until their chauvinism, arrogance, and coercion-based privilege is broken by the neck with bloodshed. Yes, in this case such means Jews, particularly those in the Zionist entity.