Snitch alert: Geoff Kerns speaks to Seattle grand jury

by Snow Sunday, Aug. 29, 2004 at 5:02 AM

An interesting development in the Seattle grand jury came to light recently. When Allison Lance Watson was charged with perjury she became entitled to discovery in the form of other grand jury participants testimony. This discovery has revealed that Geoffrey Kerns turned snitch for the government.

Geoff Kerns was never exactly someone who you would call upstanding. When he was caught releasing mink in the late nineties he defecated in his own pants and cried in the police cruiser, earning him the nickname "poopie pants." The animal rights movement pretty much parted ways with Geoff shortly after when he covered himself in ALF tattoos and began calling himself "ALF Geoff," and therby proving his lack of security sense. He then moved on to anarchist groups in the Los Angeles and Orange County area but was shunned shortly after due to accusations of theft, egotism, and security lapses.

In his testimony to the grand jury Geoff identified people by pointing them out in pictures, speculated as to who may know what people were responsible for crimes, and admitted to stealing from other activists and their families. He said that he was answering the grand juries questions because he had already been run out of activist circles and was afraid of jail. He also pointed out that he was afraid his testimony would eventually become public, because after all, "snitches get stitches."

Geoff Kerns has proven himself to be a coward, a thief, a liar, and now an assistant to the Bush administrations' War on Activism. He admits in his testimony that he is "betraying people who trusted" him. While Gina Lynn and Kim Beradi have been jailed and another awaits charges of perjury, Geoff skulks around Southern California thinking his traitorous ways are still hidden by the grand jury.

Original: Snitch alert: Geoff Kerns speaks to Seattle grand jury