Amazing No Coverage of Jewish Community Center Attack Here

by Dick Hard Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2004 at 1:38 PM

When Jew Haters burn down a Jewish Community Center It Is Not News to Indy Media, They Sweep It Under the Rug like the Fascists and Fascist Appeasers they are

regarding another anti-Jewish attack in France that Indy Media IGNORED

 Under Bernadette's petticoats • Dans les Jupons de Bernadette

Going back on Tuesday's post, French readers and some relatives just told me more about the (last to date) "Death to the Jews" feast in The Country That Is Not Anti-Semite®. (See also here but particularly Merde in France's links here).

We already know that it happened in the Burgundian town of Mâcon, which - besides the nature of the event itself - really sets me to ballistic mode, for many reasons I will not develop here.

The rest will do nothing to improve my mood.

Let's get it straight:

5 000 French - presumably of all ages and descents - attending the concert, including the wife of the President and some bloke who, supposedly, shouldn't be easily intimidated but who probably spent too much time in Bernadette's petticoats lately.

No offense intended. I'm just trying to find explanations. After all, the guy is a world heavyweight judo champion.

30 young French - of North African descent - (presented here as a "small group of very young teenagers") standing in front of the stage, yelling "death to the Jews" and threatening a 25 years old Israeli singer (She holds in fact, the American, Israeli and French nationality. Fate dealt her two good cards. Not bad.) who, paradoxically, found herself alone and isolated among 5 000 French, including the wife of the President and some bloke who supposedly shouldn't be easily intimidated. Particularly by "very young teenagers".

Nobody dared to stop the very young scum and teach them a thing or two before they become older scum.

TV crews? Yeah, there were TV crews. They even took the decision to air the show on their TV channels later. They just took great care to shunt the sound and have a Voice Over TV Twat gossiping during the part featuring 30 very young scum tossing racial insults and threats at a lone 25 years old girl, in front of 4970 French, the President's wife and the heavyweight bloke under her petticoats at a public manifestation.

Where did you hear about anti-Semitism in this country again?

Cops? Yeah, surely there were some at some point. Or not. Or probably too late. Or too busy billing excessive speed criminals drivers. Some even says that nobody called them, in order not to 'aggravate' the situation and 'upset' those 30 poor young French. They happened to be of North African descent, and surely are not to be upset by the police, particularly when they are tossing racial insults and threats at a lone 25 years old girl in front of the First Lady and quite a bunch of her serfs fellow citizens. I mean, come on, if you start arresting them just for collectively insulting and threatening girls, then you'll have to arrest them when they collectively rape them. That would upset them even more, for sure.

So the Cops asked the TV crew to have a look at the tapes, and will watch the crime on TV. Another beer Officer? Popcorns? See there on the left? Well tha's a bad guy I can tell ya. Wot's that Officer? Oh no, no, no, Officer you can't say that. The proper term is "a youngster issued from The Immigration". Have another beer.

But what about decent people? Courageous fellows standing for Liberté, Egalité or even that friggin' meaningless Fraternité? Principled French ready to stand against the enemies of BlahBlahberté, BlahBlahBlahgalité as well as BlahBlahBlahBlahternité, even when the enemy is a dreadful "small group of very young teenagers"?

If there were any among this crowd of 5 000, surely they will show on the tape. Let's just let the police do her job, will ya?

Well, on second thought, let's not. Instead, let's ponder sadly on the fact that, thank in no small part to the cast of kleptocrats to which Bernadette belongs, any French of any origin, standing against the racism of some French of a certain origin (being PC is so funny, dontcha think?), in the name of basic moral principles and decency, is certain to be eaten alive by the various variably anti-racist NGOs (such as the despicable MRAP - Google that by yourself, I don't link to scum.) and the French Justice itself. Because in that case, they would be considered more racists than the other racists.

We're civilized people. There are laws against a certain racism in this country, you know.

The cops, at least, managed to upset arrest 5 of the very young teenagers. I guess that is a consolation, particularly for Bernadette who was "really saddened" as you may recall.

Meanwhile, the various political and administrative 'after-the-facts cheap talk' goes on:

« France is not an anti-Semite country »

Well, of course not, you silly person you. The official position is that even the Jews die one day or another.

So yelling "Death to the Jews" is not anti-Semitism. Just stating facts.

« We will not tolerate any incident of this kind »

Until, of course, we are actually confronted with the next incident of this kind, while having a 5000/30 numerical superiority ratio and a world heavyweight judo champ on our side. In that case, we'll just shut up and wait until the 30 racist kids are gone before claiming again "Ooeee ooeel not tolerate any incident of zis kind."

« We request an all-out severity against this type of behavior, which is punished by law and is incompatible with the founding principles of the French society. »

Word for word: empty blathering and wishful thinking are the founding principles of the French society.

«  Honey, I peed in my pants at that concert and need a change of my underwear »

Okay, I made up this one.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Mâcon aggravates cowardice with offence when, "speaking in the name of all the people of Mâcon" - minus at least 30 of them - he offers his support to the singer (A bit late my lad) and invites her to... Come again (no, really, the lad is serious. That's the offense actually.)

Meanwhile, Shirel the assaulted singer demonstrates that she's not only absolutely gorgeous but also particularly insightful:

« Even if France is the country of Human Rights, it's never been the country that really lives up to that sort of things. »

And that pretty sums up the whole thing.

Original: Amazing No Coverage of Jewish Community Center Attack Here