The First Day

by Mic Check Thursday, Jul. 01, 2004 at 4:51 PM

New organization to raise funds for a great cause.

I have some small startup money for a non profit organization. My aim is to give energy lobbyists a run for their money by buying and donating as many environmentally friendly products as possible to low income Angeleans and eventually to go global. The primary focus will be to raise initial funding to be able to buy solar panels in bulk and get wholesale discounts. Eventually this will gravitate towards bio diesel cars and free fueling stations as well. It can be done!

One company has stood out among manufacturer's for an efficient, bendable panel that supposedly will cost up to 75% less than the average panel and generate more electricity per square foot.

In order to make the environment and economy sustainable at the same time, enough of these panels have to be manufactured to create jobs, and sustain the companies project.

If you or anyone you know has fundraising ideas, non-profit filing advice, and or wants to work on this project which will absolutely save your world, please contact me at This is an interfaith project and I hope to bring in someone from every religion and no religion. Specific religious groups will be targeted for funds from a religious point of view- therefore the title The First Day Solar Group. We are aiming to unite monotheistic and polytheistic traditions which have the same basic archetype for a creation story for this cause and for interfaith dialogue as well. The reason being that we all share a common goal in securing a brighter future for each others children regardless of race or religion and this can and will eventually unify all of humanity.

As we all shared a beginning, whatever your belief may be, we can all share a future, or in the worst case scenario, an ending.

So please, if you are Muslim, Native American, Jewish, Catholic, Hindu, or Zoroastrian etc., let us begin as if it was the first day and shed a bit of light for the needy and for our common future.

Free Energy= Free People NOW!

Original: The First Day