MORE torture photos from Abu Ghraib

by proud 'n free Saturday, May. 22, 2004 at 2:45 AM

The Washington Post has released more photos of U.S. occupation troops torturing Iraqi prisoners. Some of the photos can be found at:

MORE torture photos ...
support_the_troops.jpg, image/jpeg, 456x652

Note the brave U.S. soldier in the photo where a German Shepard is being used to terrorize a cowering, shivering prisoner. Could he be a neighbor of yours? A co-worker? Fellow student perhaps? Isn't it comforting to know that fellow citizens have become NAZIS.

As for the second photo of the naked man with his arms outstretched. By the grin on the American ape's face... it looks like a game of "lower your arms and I'll beat the living daylights out of you with the club I'm holding." But that pleasantry aside... is that unfortunate Iraqi prisoner slathered in.... excrement? Do you see his ankles manacled together?

Has it come to this, America? Are you so afraid, so prideful, so arrogant... that you've been reduced to a gang of drooling, club wielding, jack booted thugs? Turn off "American Idol" for a moment and look at these photos. Realize that there are THOUSANDS of these snapshots.

It's not just the Iraqi prisoners who are being brutalized. We are ALL being dehumanized by this. We are justifying the practice, we are closing our eyes to it, we are pretending that it didn't happen or that it was just a "hazing." Wake up before it's too late. Stop this war... get out.

Original: MORE torture photos from Abu Ghraib