LA IMC editors?

by Sheepdog Sunday, May. 16, 2004 at 2:02 PM

When the collective allows the kind of filth to stand that I have seen, it can serve forth no reason to claim it can't understand why the readership has dropped.

So I thought maybe a bribe in the form of cash would be an incentive to get their act together; I clicked on the 'Donate' link:


Support Independent Media

The page is under construction, as are all pages on this site.

We need some fiscal assistance to deal with the increase in traffic since the war began. Details are forthcoming.

Last updated

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Wed, 31 Dec 1969 16:00:00 -0800



So that was a dead goose chase.

What the fuck is the problem? while johnk ( or co-worker) is busy deleting minor comments, they allow comments with racial and sexist slurs to stand forever. And what is their answer?

Take out the latest comments page only to substitute a less informative latest comments page while they consider having a password protocol .

What do you people need? It seems to myself that the readers and posters are more involved than the admittedly unpaid staff.

I sure wish I lived closer to the collective site because I'd be there in a heartbeat to annoy the people over there into a proactive MO.

Until then, we can only hope for some fresh blood and inspiration.


Original: LA IMC editors?