The Chicken or The Egg?

by Mickey Zavi Saturday, May. 08, 2004 at 11:16 AM

What is self defense and who are refugees?

"It don't really matter to me baby, everybody's had to fight to be free."
Tom Petty

Don't anger the Arab world, they will blow you up, rig gas prices, set off dirty bombs, torture your prisoners until they are dead. Who are we kidding here? Everyone knows the Soprano mentality by now. This weeks show showed someone calling a mobster gay. He was beaten half to death. It's like a disease, violent fevor, the whole world has it.

However, let us not pretend for a second that anyone is the opressor or anyone the opressed. In the end we are all refugees. America was founded by refugees, as long as ten thousand years ago refugees came here over the Bering Straight in Alaska. Is which refugee got here first all that important? Does it really give us a right to be angry when people migrate? Can we expect less than violence when people are running out of common ground?

Let's talk about empire, slavery, and cultural dominance. Sure, it's all relative, I think my job is slave wages and in China I'd be rich. But everyone knows what a real slave is. Still, a case can be made that todays public school is a modern slave auction, with our children graded like cattle. We are products of empire after empire which has planned dominance for the hell of it .But again, let us not pretend each culture does not rule it's own hatred.

And for whatever it's worth, this guy who runs this country is not good enough to be called a putz. But, have you seen what others pass for leadership?

So if you ask me, which came first, Arab violence or unfair American attack, the chicken is in the egg, we all have our reasons. But, for the last time do not pretend for a second that it's us or the other guy who started it, these things are born together, like spontaneous combustion.

We are all refugees, clashing on the continents of the world, vying for a small space to put our dreams, We are all residents of an empire, U.S., Arab, Brittish, which vies and will always vie for dominance. So don't tell me that no one would hate America if we didn't fight or use resources, because America is just a concept that could and has and will be duplicated again and again. People multiply, they move, they fight, they have peace for a while, they fight again. It may not be heaven, it may not be right in our minds, but the chicken is the egg and why doesn't matter.

So we can all stop breeding and wars will end, or we can all start our cylce of peace and it may last a short while. But don't pretend history hasn't shown you that someone would try to fuck it all up somewhere. And don't blame nature for the last part of her cycle, death, for without death in winter, there are no spring chickens.