A Better Reason to Ban Moore - hint: the Saudis don't run NORAD

by repost Thursday, May. 06, 2004 at 6:33 PM

Moore's 2003 book "Dude, Where's my Country?" included severely deficient analysis of 9/11 that provides (hopefully) inadvertent support for the US's next war - the invasion of the Saudi oil fields, the largest on Earth. [on top of that, Moore PROTECTS the home grown US government terrorists by not touching the most obvious aspects which expose the 9/11 lie - the physical evidence of the collapses of the towers.]

Hint to Michael Moore : the Saudis don't run NORAD.


Michael Moore, Wesley Clark, Mumia, Fahrenheit

9/11 and the US Invasion of Saudi Arabia

[Also see:


http://911research.wtc7.net/talks/towers/index.html ]

on this page

Michael Moore blames the Saudis (who did not run NORAD on 9/11)

Michael Moore proclaims Mumia abu Jamal guilty

Michael Moore flacks for war criminal Wesley Clark

Michael Moore's next film - Fahrenheit 9/11

Michael Moore is one of America's most famous

dissidents. He first received notoriety for his

film "Roger and Me," a biting commentary on the

General Motors corporation, "downsizing" jobs,

and elite indiffierence to the destruction of

working class communities such as Moore's native

Flint, Michigan. Roger and Me propelled him into

fame, with TV shows (mostly aired in Britain),

and several other films, including "Pets or

Meat," "The Big One," and the Oscar award winning

"Bowling for Columbine."

Moore's 2003 book "Dude, Where's my Country?"

included severely deficient analysis of 9/11 that

provides (hopefully) inadvertent support for the

US's next war - the invasion of the Saudi oil

fields, the largest on Earth.

The thesis that Moore puts forward is essentially

this: the Saudis attacked the US on 9/11, Bush

has business ties to the Saudis, therefore, Bush

must be replaced in 2004. While elements of this

are true, the claim that the Saudis perpetrated

9/11 is reminiscent of similar claims that the

Mafia killed President Kennedy. In neither case

did the Saudis nor the Mafia have the power to

turn off the normal protection (of New York or of

the President).

see http://www.oilempire.us/saudi.html for

detailed reasons why the "blame the Saudis"

campaign is really a sophisticated effort to lay

the ground work for the forthcoming US invasion

of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were merely a

subcontractor in 9-11 (at most), since they do

not control the Air Force and NORAD's fighter

planes that are supposed to intercept off-course

jet liners within minutes. While it is unknown

whether Moore realizes that he is playing into

the "Project for a New American Century"

strategists (who seem eager to declare Saudi

Arabia an enemy of the US and put it toward the

top of the "Countries We Must Invade" list), his

next film "Fahrenheit 9/11" will certainly be

seen as the "dissident" view of 9/11. What

remains to be seen is whether the film will

actually probe into the complicity of the Bush

administration in the event, or whether it will

be a "Limited Hang Out" that blames Bush for

"intelligence failures" and points out

(accurately) that the Bush and Bin Laden families

have business ties that date to the 1970s.

see also http://www.oilempire.us/limited.html -

Limited Hang Outs (fessing up to a small crime to

avoid the deeper crime - understanding the

mechanisms of coverups)

see also http://www.oilempire.us/saudioil.html -

Saudi Arabia's oil is almost entirely

concentrated in the minority Shia part of the

country, demographics and geology

A September 2003 article in In These Times by

Seth Ackerman, a contributing writer to FAIR,

focused on the "intelligence failures" of 911 and

how the Saudi hijackers were able to bypass US

intelligence. He concluded that the

"incompetence" theory was plausible, and "it

ought to be possible to steer a middle course

between wild speculation and cynical whitewash."

While it's obvious that the Saudis played a role

-- they've supported US terror in Nicaragua,

Lebanon and Afghanistan -- they weren't in charge

of air defense over Washington and New York.

Perhaps their role was similar to the Mafia in

Dallas in 1963 (JFK), a subcontractor who helped

with the technical aspects, but they weren't in

charge of the main event, nor running the coverup


Maybe for the next war, the liberal peace

movement will talk about the relevance of "peak

oil" and the Bush strategy of intentional

deceptions to prepare the public for war. (WMD is

a much smaller deception than 911.) The

proclivity of some on the "left" to blame the

"Saudis" for 911 - and complain about the Bush -

Saudi connections - is an unintentional statement

of support for the US attack on the ONLY country

that could have significant increases in daily

oil extraction rates.

While it is true that the Bush and Bin Laden

clans have had business connections for over two

decades, the Saudis did not, could not, ensure

the "stand down" of the Air Force on 9/11. Nor

would have a Saudi air force pilot (let alone the

official claim that a flight school drop out was

responsible) have chosen the nearly empty, under

reconstruction section of the Pentagon as a

target. See http://www.oilempire.us/remote.html

for evidence that remote control software was

used to ensure that the Pentagon was hit in the

one section that would cause the fewest

casualties (the plane that hit the building is

reported to have gone in a 270 degree spiral

around the complex to line up with the part of

the Pentagon where it would cause the least

damage, thereby bypassing Donald Rumsfeld's



Monday, October 20, 2003

The attack on the Saudis is intended to

further the neocon goal of eventually destroying the Saudi government

so the United States can take over the Saudi oilfields. The

propaganda campaign has been so successful, the neocons even have

Michael Moore parroting it. The main trick was to leave the Saudi

matters out of the published 9-11 report, so people could think the

worst of the Saudis, and then slyly make people believe that it was

left out because Bush was protecting his Saudi business friends. A

brilliant strategy! All of this propaganda works only because

Americans are still afraid to admit who was really behind 9-11. A

hint: the Saudis don't run NORAD.

Original: A Better Reason to Ban Moore - hint: the Saudis don't run NORAD