How Terror Destroyed Palestine

by George of the Jungle Friday, Apr. 16, 2004 at 7:06 PM

Sharon's victory in Washington may be temporary, but Palestine's loss is probably permanent.

Oslo was the best chance Palestinians ever had of a state of their own. In hindsight, Palestinians should be kicking themselves for their campaign of terror afterwards.

One thing is certain about terrorism, no one will negotiate with a terrorist. Nor should they. Imagine if Timothy McVay was offered a large swath of land in Ohio just for blowing up a few hundred children. Well, that's what the Palestinians thought they were going to get with their violent uprising.

Suddenly, after 9/11, the tables have turned on terrorists. Frankly, any war which undermines the stupid drug war is fine by me. However, for people who deal in terrorism as a negotiating point, the drawbridge to civilization is being raised.

This is not to say all Palestinians are terrorists, in fact, terrorists not only ruin their own lives, their enemies lives, but they ultimately ruin the life of their cause.

I have to say for once, Bush has a point. 90% of occupied Palestine would have been for the Muslims in the area after Oslo. Instead, a campaign of terror was unleashed upon the Israelis. To make matters worse for Muslims, Bin Laden tied his operation to Palestine. And now, Americans have had it with Islamists. We cannot simply give in and allow a relgious fanatic group to try to take over the world. We wouldn't allow it here in the U.S., as is evidenced by our stance against government in our reproductive rights. They do not allow this in Brittain. Simply put, Islamic Jihad is a losing battle.

The problem is that most Islamic countries have little or no civil liberties. It's a grand misstatement to say, "they hate us for our freedoms," it is indeed much more complicated.

In Khartoum, around Pakistan, and Afghanistan, entire economies are run by African slave labor. Women are traded like meat. People have no say in governance. People have no say in their daily activities. Imagine an Israel where everyone had to wear Yarmulkas. Imagine a country where alchohol was punishable by imprisonment. These types of draconian laws are found throughout the Middle East. And it is these types of laws for which the Western world has no tolerance. South Africa paid a price for Apartheid, Muslims must pay a price for their sexist beliefs as well, ESPECIALLY when they impose them by force on others.

This is why Israelis do not want to be overrun by Muslims. For the descendants of the 800,000 Jews who moved to Israel from Arabic countries(an equal number to those who became refugees and were not accepted by muslim countries), these laws made them second class citizens. These Islamic laws made life hell for many, especially black or African peoples. In Africa, many blacks are subjugated into Islam. Generations later they believe the brainwashing. But the truth is they were all once proud and beautiful tribal cultures of their own.

America is not flawless. In all honesty, Bush is one of the worst presidents ever. But when he decides not to negotiate with terrorist factions, he is making a statement. Change your evil ways or you will not be tolerated. If we had tolerated racism and fascism in the U.S., we too would have black slaves. I am proud of the Yankees who fought to free the African Americans. I am proud of the soldiers who are trying to and believe they will free Iraq.

As much as this war is about money and oil, it is also about something very important that no one seems to understand. One religion simply cannot be allowed to overrun the world with slavery and sexism. We must fight it all over the world,, as much as we do here. Much like our own civil war, lives will be lost. But the America of equality was something to die for.

Bush must be taken out of office, because he doesn't quite ride the egalitarian side of the fence. In fact, his domestic issues are some of the gnarliest problems we have faced. But his tough stance on "agressive negotiations," as princess Padway put it in Star Wars, is a product of failed negotiations on the part of Islamist extremists. If someone offers you 90% of the miles you want, you cannot turn around and kill them to get the other ten. And if you try, you will not be negotiated with the second time around.

For the Palestinians, they must understand how the Jewish people feel, "fuck me once, shame on you, fuck me twice, shame one me."

Original: How Terror Destroyed Palestine