!Radio libertaire on line on internet !

by French speaking Anarchist Federation Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2004 at 1:40 PM

!Radio libertaire on line on internet !

Dear anarchist friends, On 31st March, that most rebellious of radio channels,

Radio Libertaire, began broadcasting from Paris to the world by internet.

Details and times of the programmes are available on the website of the

Fédération Anarchiste. The Spanish-speaking anarchist world can also

listen to the Spanish-language programme "Tribuna Latinamericana" every

second Saturday from 7-9 (Paris time). Programmes are also transmitted

in Esperanto and, obviously, French. To listen, go to:


The Radio Libertaire web pages are on the FA website at:


The FA home page is at:


French speaking Anarchist Federation

145 rue Amelot 75011 Paris – France


Original: !Radio libertaire on line on internet !