Vietnam Vet Talks on Military Recruiting Practices

by Bert Newton Saturday, Apr. 03, 2004 at 6:31 AM

Veitnam Veteran Conrad Moore speaks at Pasadena church about the deceptive practices of the military in recruiting young people from low income communities into the lowest ranks of the military.

Conrad Moore, a Vietnam Veteran who now works for Mennonite Central Committee, is in town now speaking about the deceptive pracitices of the military in recruiting young people from low income and minority communities into the lowest ranks of the military. He will speak in the social hall of the Pasadena Church of the Brethren in Pasadena (1041 N. Altadena Dr., Pasadena 91107) on Saturday at 4p.m. During his time in Southern CA he will also speak at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, at a local public school in Pasadena and at Pasadena Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. Additionally he will be the key note speaker in the Palm Sunday Peace Parade in Pasadena, a parade that begins at Messiah Lutheran Church on the corner of Orange Grove Blvd. and Madison Ave. and culminates at Pasadena City Hall. The parade begins at 3:00 p.m.

Original: Vietnam Vet Talks on Military Recruiting Practices