Dunce vs Preppy

by Roland Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2004 at 3:45 PM

dumbass, smartass, or none of the above.

Dunce vs Preppy...
bushbookupside.jpeg, image/x-ms-bmp, 510x405

Lets be serious can we? George Bush is the "idiot boy King" He is a drunk and a coke head, a make believe Cowboy rich little bastard. Bush single handed ruined the Texas Ranger baseball team and has sent more people to the gas chamber than Stalin.

Bush is manipulated by Karl Rove, Dick Chenney, Condoleeza Rice, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Powell, Rumsfeld and anyone else who controls the cookie jar. Bush is a blissfully ignorant fool. Georgie how about attacking Iraq I have two grams of coke and a box of Oreos for you.

Now for John Forbes kerry, first off pay attention to his middle name it is very telling. John Forbes Kerry is a 7 foot tall Ivy League Preppy smart-ass with more arrogance and money than common sense.

John Forbes Kerry owes his very existence to the political far right and the corporate power structure. Yet Forbes Kerry flirts with the political left in America and abroad hoping to sucker in their dollars and votes. Forbes Kerry has a chin longer than Florida and is so full of shit it is coming out of his ears. Not even John Forbes Kerry knows where he stands on major issues like NAFTA, WTO, War, Patriot Act, No child left behind, new Alaskan pipelines. Every time he opens his preppy mouth more crap pours forth.


Bush: pathetic, dunce, idiot boy king.

Kerry: ultra arrogant, ruling class, bullshit artist.

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Original: Dunce vs Preppy