Join the March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent

by Sabrina Saturday, Mar. 13, 2004 at 5:56 PM

To Abolish War, We must Abolish Capitalism!

War is not the problem. War is only a symptom of a larger problem, that problem being our current economic and political system. We will never have a world without war as long as we live in a system based on borders, competition and the quest for profits without regard for human life.

Last year, we marched through city streets & rain, held weekly vigils, lit candles, wrote letters, obeyed their laws, their rules. We fit perfectly into the system's preexisting routes for voicing our decent and rage, ones which did not threaten the status quo ....

Nothings changed!

The administration was not moved. We were a

million plus "focus group."

And so....the occupation of Iraq continues...

On March 20th, retake activism in LA! Prove that our rage over this unjust war and occupation will not be confined to permitted marches facilitated by bureaucracies that stifle real efforts toward building another world. Reach out to other activists in the movement, let them know there is an alternative to the state. capitalism and the wars these systems prepetuate. Bring drums, literature, flags, banners, your hearts & voices. Celebrate our movement. With each day, autonomy & freedom are drawing closer...

When: March 20th, Global day of protest against the

occupation of Iraq

Where: 12 noon- ANSWER rally in Los Angeles at the

intersection of Hollywood & Vine. For the

contingent, meet up at the head of the march

and/or look for banners and black flags.

Original: Join the March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent