Unite for Kucinich Now

by ben frank Friday, Feb. 27, 2004 at 7:28 AM

All of these problems we're facing today will go away if we can get the right man in office this November. Kucinich is the True American, K/E are just posers. Why is there a deafening silence from the 'alternative' press at this time. Kucinich got 30% in Hawaii- Common Dreams -Nothing! All of the IMCs in supertuesday states- Only Minnesota with a feature front and center... and that was minimal. WTF - this is what IMCs are for- we NEED ti be THE Alternative media now!

Unite for Kucinich N...
edwards_fooled.jpg, image/jpeg, 253x308

story with pics and links here

It's no surprise that the networks are shutting out Kucinich and Sharpton, but what's surprising is the alternative press seems to be in blackout mode as well. With bush & co being so transparently stupid and corrupt, do you really believe that only some democrats are 'electable'? This is such a joke! It's not Anyone but Bush, it's Anyone Can Beat Bush. Aside from the obvious propaganda, I don't know what makes you think that Kucinich could not beat Bush. There is no logical basis for this belief that Kucinich is 'unelectable'.

Dennis is a thousand times smarter than dubya with a million times more love in his heart. Dennis consistently stated that Iraq did not have the weapons and was not an imminent threat. Bush lied and both Kerry and Edwards believed the lies- that's electable? Both Kerry and Edwards say we must stay the course in Iraq, propaganda repeated loud and often, we can't just 'cut and run'- yep, just another lie. We don't have to stay in Iraq, the corporations just wants us to because they are making money, your money, hand over fist... aaaah, that's why those guys are 'electable'. Because the money flow will continue on, from our children to their war machine.

Imagine Dennis Kucinich vs George Bush. Bush has $200 million to continue to fool his followers. The rest of America will not fall for that. It doesn't matter how much money he has, we know the SOB lied and started this stupid war. Now we've spent $160 billion creating more hatred of America while our kids suffer now and get the bill later! This man will not be elected. STOP watching the tv 'news' IT IS A LIE!

Wake Up America! Kucinich is VERY Electable! Listen to
DK vs. dubya on the economy (mp3) ... who would you vote for?

Dennis doesn't need any money to beat the bush. All he has to do is challenge bush to a town hall meeting. An open forum with citizens asking both of them questions. Kucinich is so smart, with such deep compassion that you can just feel it. There is no doubt, that bush is in fact a complete moron as he proves it at every public speaking engagement. Bush will have to accept the challenge or be exposed. We've had enough of the staged debates with stupid questions, we will demand a true debate! DK could volunteer to do as many town hown hall meetings as dubya would like, each one would just make it that much more obvious:

Dennis Kucinich is MUCH More Qualified to be President AND he actually has the best wishes of the WE the People at heart.

Dennis, "So why did you pass the 'Clear Skies' Initiative
that allows 500% more Mercury than the original Clean Air Act?"
Bush, "Uh, they told me to."

DK could ask Dubya about his many threats, to the American people, maybe even play some of his threats (mp3) for him- explain yourself mr bush.

There is no doubt that Kucinich is the better man. So the question is, what happened to our progressive media? I've browsed many alternative news websites, 'progressive' sites, and it seems they all have the same affliction. There is little if any mention of Dennis Kucinich. Even IMCs in states with primaries coming up, it just looks like business as usual. WTF! This is no time for business as usual, this is our chance for the PEACEFUL REVOLUTION.

I just looked at the IMCs in Super Tuesday States, nyc, san diego, indybay, santa cruz, vermont, atlanta, boston, danburyCT, la, sf, baltimore, ithaca, rochester, & Minnesota. Minnesota was the ONLY imc with a DK feature! WTF! Isn't that what IMCs are all about, being an alternative to the $$ media, exposing the bias and turning our world around. We need to unite behind the True Alternative to bushco, where is the Unity?

And now, at this critical time in our nation, there is a total blackout of The One, the man that will end the corruption and restore our Democracy. Kerry and Edwards are just Phony Politcian Posers. Al, you speak the truth, but you just do not have the experience or the extensive plans in place as Dennis does. I understand that tv believing people might fall for this electability crap, but shouldn't EVERYONE in the 'Alternative' press should be uniting to spread the word about DK.

Why the silence? Supposedly non-profit status means an organization can't promote candidates, that's what antiwar.com told us. Yet NPR is 'non-profit' and they shamelessly pump Kerry and Edwards daily. Have you ever listened... NPR is such a friggin joke... Anti-war.com folks, CommonDreams, Alternet... can't you AT LEAST post the facts on your website- reach down and see if you still have your cajones, eh?
for webmasters ;-)

Kucinich just got 30% in Hawaii!!!

Commondreams.org- silent. WTF!
Buzzflash.com- nada.
DemocracyNow.org Headline- Kerry wins 3 states (wtf - Kucinich 30% is THE Story!!!)
Moveon.org 'the progressives' not a word. Have they been infiltrated?
Michael Moore- Clark bailed and he remains silent in shame.
Paris, DaveyD, Michael Franti, Chuck D, Eddie Vedder, Michael Stipe, John Mellencamp? Where are y'all- don't tell me you're falling for the Posers?
If you're behind Al, that's cool, anyone but the millionaire posers- but why the hell aren't there free concerts happening every night in every major city to rally the people! We need you guys to stand up? Personally I think |Divide and Conquer| is their strategy, so DK and Al need to Unite. Now is the time when we all need to stand up for truth.

Dude, I Love that Eddie Vedder song -Truth- from democracyrising.org
Check out my solo

"I'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight shortsighted narrow-minded hypocritics,
all I want is the Truth!"


Kerry voted for the War, spoke for
45 min convincing other Senators of Saddam's threat. In fact, Kerry promised to "be the first to speak up" if Bush didn't go thru the UN.

Kerry broke his promise.

What about Mike at whatreallyhappened.com? Mike refuses to reply or respond on this subject, almost like a bush believer when you're talking about 911. Mike has posted thousands of articles on the corruption of our government, and now when we have the chance to end corruption by voting for THE honest man. Silence- on and on about Israel day and night, nothing about what we can do right now to end this system. Is everyone in the 'alternative press' just resigned to the endless corruption of our system, they're just going to keep on posting stories about the corrupt kerry administration? Why not help spread the word and get out the vote for The Uncorruptible One and CHANGE our world now! Why not- GET UP, STAND UP and FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS!!!

How about all of the Bring the Troops Home Now groups? Where the hell are they? Dennis will bring the troops home, Kerry and Edwards won't- it's that simple. Why don't they have a link to Dennis? IS there someone inside the group advocating they they remain neutral? Otherwise, WTF!!! This is the man and you are silent! If you want to BRING the TROOPS HOME, you better do everything you can to force an open Democratic Convention in July !

Where is the alternative press exposing the obvious sham of the Democratic Primaries. Dean pumped for a year straight, Dean dominating, then he just falls apart like that? Come ON! What a Joke. And now in just one month, after a few primaries we're supposed to believe that Kerry has it all locked up. A few tiny rural states in the dead of winter, where it's frigid cold outside and the opportunity for public discourse is severeley limited. This is how our democracy, and perhaps the fate of the world is decided- and we're all just going accept this sham? How many Americans voters know that Kerry's net worth is $839 million- man of the people my ass! This fact alone should wake up some people. Kerry is a POSER! Look past their rhetoric and look at their records, KUCINICH is THE ONE!!!

The big lie now is that Kerry has it all wrapped up. The $$ media is intentionally pumping this trying to get all Kucinich and Sharpton supporters to just give up and not vote. Of course this is a lie!! If skull and boner Kerry cannot get the 2147 delegates before the convention then it will be a free for all. Dennis doesn't have to win any states, we just have to force an open convention!!! That's do-able! Dennis Kucinich is the clear alternative and one of the best speakers since MLK. His convention speech will blow Kerry and Edwards empty platitudes out of the water and DK WILL WIN THE CONVENTION!

Think about it, the internet is still open, but if the telecoms have their way it will soon be under their control. Kerry and Edwards both own stock in verizon and a host of other multinationals, will they sell out the internet- duh! It's a no-brainer. In four years we won't have an open and free internet anymore, it'll be more controlled than ever. Thus it's obvious that RIGHT NOW is the time for our peaceful revolution. We can vote out the millionaires and put in a True American.

This is our big chance to end the corporate control of our government. I think it's clear that an armed revolution will never work- did you see the brutality in miami? Twenty year old kids with clubs and uniforms beating other kids with signs that said 'end the greed'. Totally mindless goons, that's our future if we elect patriot act voters K/E. So are you just going to keep watching tv and hoping for some good news? Make the good news yourself!

This is a Call Out to all Freedom Fighters-
Call in sick this week and spend your time working for DK and the Peaceful Revolution! It is possible! UNPLUG YOUR TV, try listening to music for the revolutuion (free mp3s at benfrank.net) for a day. Get inspired and do something to BEAT the MEDIA- NOW!

See DK's Vision for America- The True American Dream
See the Difference between Kucinich and the 'Electables'
Show your friends what's really happening in Iraq

What can you Do?
Send emails out to everone you know. Take some time and go thru all the spam fwds you get and harvest all of the emails in there, you can literally get hundreds of email addys. All it takes is for one powerful email to catch fire and it could hit a million homes before super tuesday. Emphasize that the primary turnouts are low, in TN pop. 5 mil, 350,000 voted in the primary.

You can make a difference!