A Party of tolerence and personal choice.

A Party of tolerence and personal choice.

by Ben Todd Friday, Feb. 27, 2004 at 3:25 AM

Why Libertarian presidental canidate Gary Nolan left the Republican party.

A Party of tolerence...
newnolan.jpg, image/jpeg, 276x183

A Party of Tolerance and Personal Choice

President Bush’s call to amend the Constitution and the vacillating response of his Democratic rivals, demonstrates that there is only one political party that respects the rights of individuals to make all of the important choices in their lives – the Libertarian Party.

President Bush has amply demonstrated that his Republican Party no longer stands for small, limited government – a government that leaves people free to run their own lives and make their own choices. That’s why I left the Republicans five years ago and found a new political home in the Libertarian Party. I encourage gay and lesbian Republicans and conservatives to leave the Republican Party behind and join a party that truly respects your right to govern your own lives – the Libertarian Party.

The Libertarian welcome mat is extended to Democrats, liberals, and moderates as well. Unlike Kerry and Edwards who are trying to have it both ways, opposing same-sex marriage while also opposing a constitutional amendment, Libertarians recognize that personal decisions like marriage should not be the business of the government – period.

Government should neither condemn nor condone same-sex marriage. It should simply recognize and respect the right of individuals to make their own choices. That is the course I would follow as President.

- Posted by Gary @ 11:09 AM

Gary Nolan Libertarian for president 2004

Phone: (703) 237-3533
email: info@garynolan.com
web: http://www.garynolan.com