On Gay Marriage.

by Benjamin Todd Friday, Feb. 20, 2004 at 11:58 PM

Gary Nolan says "Get the government out of marriage".

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Gary Nolan on Gay Marriage

Marriage is a religious institution. If you can get a church or synagogue to confirm your relationship, that should be your business. However, government mandated marriage benefits such as social security and insurance complicate the issue.

The only real solution is to get government out of the marriage business altogether, as was the case when our nation was founded. In the interim, the least-bad alternative is if laws governing marriage and/or civil unions, like most other laws, are determined at the state or local level, not by the federal government.

Phone: (703) 237-3533

e-mail: info@garynolan.com

Website: http://www.garynolan.com

Original: On Gay Marriage.