While Dean Conned Anti War Vote Party Bosses Laughed

by Lloyd Hart Friday, Feb. 20, 2004 at 9:44 PM

Now that the Democratic party bosses have effectively driven the anti-war vote into the ground with more than a little help from the corporate media that gave Governor Dean's campaign the red carpet treatment up until mid December while at the same time purposely ignoring Congressman Dennis Kucinich's campaign Governor Dean's campaign now looks more like a very effective con job

While Dean Conned An...
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While Dean Conned Anti War Vote Party Bosses Laughed

By Lloyd Hart

Now that the Democratic party bosses have effectively driven the anti-war vote into the ground with more than a little help from the corporate media that gave Governor Dean's campaign the red carpet treatment up until mid December while at the same time purposely ignoring Congressman Dennis Kucinich's campaign Governor Dean's campaign now looks more like a very effective con job by an egomaniacal centrist who agrees more with Al From and the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) than with the progressive rhetoric Gov. Dean was faking on the campaign trail that always managed to look like DLC policy when Governor Dean finally got specific.

The anti-war vote according to the corporate media talking heads now has to look at the John Edwards and John Kerry. Two men who voted for the war and are now claiming to be jilted lovers saying that they were misled by the Bush regime, a totally disingenuous strategy to deflect the criticism of both their votes. Edwards and Kerry claim they were conned instead of just admitting they were looking at the polling data and hedging their bets in the upcoming presidential primaries. This kind of behavior is exactly why many people are suspect of what lurks in both these men's hearts and in all those that voted for this war in the Democratic Party in Congress.

What will the anti-war vote do now, decide on the lesser of two evils or do something to truly shake-up and disrupt the Democratic Leadership Council's program of ruling over the Democratic Party like George Bush rules over America and Iraq.

I say Vote for Rev. Al Sharpton and Congressman Dennis Kucinich in the remainder of the primary elections and stick it to the remaining con men in the race, Senator John Edwards and Senator John Kerry. What the hell good will it do voting for Edwards and Kerry as a means to get rid of George Bush if the very policies that George Bush put in place don't change. Does anyone truly, honestly believe that either of these men that voted for the War, Homeland Security and the Patriot act will actually role back any of these unconstitutional and criminal policies. And what about the defense budget? Do you actually believe Senator John Kerry and Senator John Edwards will actually attack the defense budget for the criminal act it is. Well I don't not unless they are forced into a corner where they absolutely must do it under the threat of their political careers totally and completely evaporating.

I have made it very clear that if the Democratic Party does not put a not-for-profit single payer universal health care system policy plank in the platform and aggressively campaigned for it I will no longer be associated with the Democratic Party and in fact will go worked for Ralph Nader's independent run for the presidency http://www.naderexplore04.org/ . This is my way of saying "What's in it for me?" Why should I work for a party that does nothing and in fact worsens the conditions for the poor, working people and the middle-class in America. I grew up poor and have no intention of throwing good money after bad in the fund-raising black hole that the Democratic Party has become. Dean supporters threw million down the tubes while leaving the true reformers, the true anti-war candidates who actually showed up at all the major peace rallies, scrambling for money never being able to truly build an effective organization while the corporate media laughed with glee at its own power.

In 1992 a similar con man named Bill Clinton promised all the same things Senator John Edwards and Senator John Kerry are promising right now but when confronted with the special interests control of the process, instead of fighting the special interests Clinton put his tail between his legs and went looking for an intern to screw.

So speaking from the experience of someone who has been repeatedly screwed by these con men, I say to you vote your conscience, vote your heart. Vote for real change in "policy" and not the nebulous promises of con men who have no intention of delivering. "Anybody But Bush" is not a policy platform that will bring the cynical majorities in America back to the polling booth. In fact it is that very thinking that has got us where we are today.


Original: While Dean Conned Anti War Vote Party Bosses Laughed