msn - vs - yahoo

by mkj Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004 at 7:41 PM

the difference between msn and yahoo!

i always wanted to draw a cartoon depicting the difference between msn and yahoo in terms of chat and email

here are some metaphors that could be depicted in cartoons

in an msn traffic light only one car woud be allowed to pass at a time, meaning one car per light, this would be a very time consuming process and the drivers would constantly chech their maps and check their whatches and before they crossed the intersection they would look left then right then behind them then infront of them then slowly move the car forward till it crosses the intersection, any cars moving too slow would be deemed undeliverable and thats when you get that annoying "the following message could not be delivered to all recepients" if a pedestrian wants to cross the intersection it would take them hours to set up a barricade to get him through, if a cars destination is closed it is immeaditaly sent back as a message deemed undeliverable and so on so fourth

now in a yahoo traffic stop cars would be zooming by at speeds of up to 200 miles an hour, not slowing down for anyone they move in perfect sync and when a car accident happends each car always get to its destination because it is constantly retried till it is sucessfully sent, multiple cars can be sent, over and over again, cars can also arrive at their destination even if their destination is closed in a method known as "offline messages" pedestrians dash across the intersection just missing cars by inches


now if msn were a war policy of side "a" and side "b" in a war the war would not really be a war, no casualties would be sustained on either side, as sodiers woud only run up to the enemy and tag them and then that enemy would have to fall to the ground and be a prisoner of war, any type of long range weaponry would be deemed too dangerous to use as it may result in a casualty, soldiers would go through papers so that they may sustain a paper cut so that they can be sent home with a purple heart, so on so fourth

now if yahoo were a war policy for side "a" and side "b" this would be the ultimate war! one soldier would sneak up into the enemy base with a flame thrower and burn the enemy as they are bathing naked

while another soldier several thousand feet up in a plane would be dropping countless tons of cluster bombs spoecially designed so that at least 80 percent of the bomblets do not explode, land mines would be laid without mapping or charting, manny rebel factions would be contained on each of the sides

and renegade commanders are very common


yeah i got a whole lot more of thease methaphors

and yes im very bored right now

feel free to comment

i feel that msn is over protective of its users while yahoo does not care or is toooooo damn leanient

did i spell "leanient" right?



Original: msn - vs - yahoo