Anarchist/Anti-Authoritarian Meeting in North LA County

by Autonomous Valley Collective Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 at 6:23 PM


First official meeting-Feb. 21st 2pm Lancaster. E-mail for specific location. We will be deciding everything everyone (involved) wants to get out of this collective, different projects we can do. FNB/MA, Tabling, reclaiming property through community gardens, teach-ins/debates/discussions, Direct Action, are just a few topics to discuss. Movie Showing will be of "We Interrupt This Empire" a film by the San Francisco Independent Media Center ( it is about the direct action that went on the day the war started in SF (INS building torn apart, shutting down the financial district, Critical Mass on the freeway, marching on the bay bridge, Pirect Action, etc. etc.) -about 1 hour. Bring all your ideas, thoughts, opinions and anything else you wanna use. Meeting will probably run from 2pm to 4pm-possibly longer. This will be the starting point of everything involving Autonomous Valley...come one come all! (A)

Original: Anarchist/Anti-Authoritarian Meeting in North LA County