Radicals for Dems

by Mike Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 at 11:13 AM

A controversial position: revolutionaries, radicals, and greens must support the Democrat for President...here's why...

While I have never voted or been registered a Democrat,

While I have in the past even considered the Green Party a waste of our energy and resources,

While I understand that meaningful social change has never and will never be brought about through the electoral process,

I have concluded that the coup of 2000 has been destructive enough that meaningful change is practically impossible domestically without a change in leadership by the ruling class....

That the policy of this empire has shifted too far to the fascist right to be tolerable anymore by the billions of suffering people around the world...

That, indeed, the entire world is counting on us to give the country back to the Old Guard...

And, that we cannot afford to lose this election and if we do we may very well have to take refuge in other nations.

So, I am encouraging pro-democracy advocates from around this country, particularly libertarian socialists, Greens, and non-aligned radical democrats to vote for the Democratic ticket next November.

We do not need to debate the fact that Kerry and Edwards will support the interests of the ruling class or in the very least will not threaten the existence of this class. We all know this.

And we will not be taken in by the myth that we will "take our country back" as these candidates claim as though we ever had it in the first place.

Or pretend that in any way the people will be ultimately victorious when the Dictator is removed from office.

However, if we are ever to have an opportunity to create an economic and political democracy the current ruler must go.

Let us not fool ourselves of what the ramifications of this are...we will be standing with much of the ruling class (like George Soros) who feel that Bush may be more threatening to their status through his reckless wars than someone like Kerry would. Most of the ruling class would rather have a policy of imperialism that is more "gentle" or more to the point, less overt. The Dictator's policies have been a benefit to much of the profiteers, but only with the consequence of destroying international capitalist unity.

Having said all this, with the knowledge that many will disagree, I believe it is best for us to vote for the Democrat this year. I hope we will debate this-- I hope that those of us that believe my stance is unacceptable will speak up articulately and respecfully. It is to our advantage to debate this issue--but let us do it in a way that shows the best of what we represent: grassroots decision making, free speech, and an anti-authoritarian future.