Only One KKK and Its "White"

by Apache Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003 at 2:15 PM

In response to the ignorant post below about a "hispanic KKK," there is no such thing. There is only one KKK and it is made up of misguided people of European descent who falsely claim this land as well as a bogus sense of racial purity.

The "hispanic KKK" post was so stupid it really doesn't warrant a response, but I felt compelled to still
clarify a few things.

1.) The only KKK that exists is the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan, a pseudo-Christian white supremacist
movement that promotes the false notion of racial purity, when there is no such thing. Now with DNA
technology this can be verified. I'm sure most of these so-called "white race" losers would lose their
minds if they took a DNA test and found out that their heritage includes African and Native American
blood, as most European Americans have in their background. It is no coicidence that DNA scientists
have become the newest target of pseudo-christian white supremacist groups along with doctors who perform abortions.
2.) The recent absurd accusations of MECHA being a "Hispanic racist" group (ridiculous, as no Mechista would ever call her/himself a hispanic to begin with; they prefer Chicano/Mexicano or Latino) and the
criticism of Bustamante for being a past member are so stupid its pathetic. The accusations stem
from MECHA's history of taking a pseudo-separatist posture in the late 60s as a means of self-defense
against the white supremacy in the U.S. at that time that was supported by the police and U.S. government.
This also emulated the posture of the Black Panthers and other groups include the Women's Movement
that were acting in self-defense. But then you can't depend on an idiot like Bill O'Reilly to give you an
unbiased account of history, or give you any historical perspective in general since his idiocy is a part
of the foxnews program of promoting historical amnesia.
Since the 70s, MECHA has always been a Chicano/Latino college retention program with a radical slant, although during the bush I and clinton era some have critiqued the organization for being too soft and becoming nothing more than a social clique. It is actually the more passionate and radical young members
of the organization that have kept it alive and progressive despite attempts by the state to cut funding to
university campus groups.
3.) The Southwestern third of the U.S. was originally the northern portion of Mexico and conscious Mechistas
will be the first to remind you of this. This ideology serves to remind people of Mexican descent in the U.S.
that they are not "illegals" (a ridiculous construction since no human is "illegal") but are considered by
the U.S. government as "foreigners" in what is basically their native land which part of their heritage (the non-hispanic side) shares with their ancestors, the indigenous people of North American, originally refered
to as Anahuac or "Turtle Island" before the Europeans arrived (Spanish. Anglo-Saxons, et. al.)
4.) Yes, some Mechistas, Chicano/Latino activists and Native American progressives (including myself)
do take the posture of "reclaiming" this land, but it is only a posture to encourage cultural pride and
self-determination amongst our people. Please, we know our history well and we know that an armed
resistance will be repressed by the U.S. government, the KKK, the Texas Rangers and all their ilk with
nothing short of genocide. They did it before and who is to say they won't do it again. The son of a nazi
has just assumed power in California. The great grandson of a nazi sits in the whitehouse and has
perpetuated the legacy of pre-emptive war (Hitler's doctrine) and colonization in Iraq.
5.) On a cultural/racial note, ironically, as the 2000 census showed, many Latinos in the U.S. actually
prefer to be called "white" as a means of trying to avoid the racism and oppression that this country has imposed both in the past and present on people of Mexican descent. This is also a part of our own
internalized racism and colonized mind state going back to the Spanish colonial period where the
rule was that the more you sucked up to the "white" Spaniards or light-skinned people, the more
privileges you received. We still see this now in the U.S. Latino community, particularly amongst
those who call themselves hispanics and suck up to the bush administration (e.g. Albert Gonzalez,
Linda Chavez, Fernando Oxaca, Rosario Marin, et. al.).
6.) If anyone has done more for the "re-conquista" of the U.S., it is American corporations that
hipocritically support right-wing, anti-immigrant organizations and legislation, while gladly hiring
undocumented people from Mexico and Latin America as cheap labor. If they can put a man on
the moon and make a bomb that can blow up the world, surely they have the technology to
close the border. But they wont because an open border works in favor of the interests of greedy
corporations that put profits before people (and before anti-immigrant sentiment ultimately).
But this doesn't stop the KKK and other right-wing vigilante groups from going down to the
border and indiscrimately murdering people who are crossing over just to have a better life
with a job at Tyson or Wal-Mart, or working for a hispanic idiot like Linda Chavez.

In short, there is no such thing as a Hispanic KKK and never will be. I will admit that there
are some right-wing pseudo-christian, groups like voz de aztlan in whitey-er, I
mean whittier, calfornia, that promote homophobia and anti-jewish american sentiment,
but they reflect only a small, middle class, Anglo-identified segment of the larger Latino
and Native American community.

Latinos will become the majority-minority group in this country by the end of this decade, so
just get used to it like all the corporations are. None of you are racially pure to begin with.

Peace and have a nice day.