Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes Meet Kucinich

by builder123 Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 at 7:22 PM

Quaker House South Los Angeles – 12/21/03 Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes or “FACTS” received the support of Dennis Kucinich. The presidential candidate’s progressive stand against Three Strikes and the prison industry system offered hope to the over 4000 non-violent offenders currently serving life sentences in California under Three-strikes. FACTS, a grassroots movement is made up of families whose loved ones are serving mandatory sentences ranging from 25 years to life for non-violent crimes.

Families to Amend Ca...
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above - Dennis Kucinich and Donna Warren from FACTS

During the mid 1990s, at the tail end of a long crime wave, 23 states adopted three-strikes laws. But in most of those states, the statutes are rarely used and few prisoners are jailed under their provisions. California is different. It alone does not require the third strike to be a violent or even serious crime.

California's three-strikes law was adopted by referendum in a wave of public outrage after the 1993 murder of Polly Klaas, a 12-year-old who was abducted from a slumber party in her home by a twice-convicted kidnapper out on parole.

Text from:
Three Strikes and You're In For Life
By Peter Vilbig

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