URGENT:Truckers Supporting Strikers Need Help

by SGV Neighbors Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2003 at 11:24 PM

Support continued pickets at distribution centers. Don't let scab truckers get the upper hand; support striking truckers. Time is tight. Do it right now.

Please forward the following message to your e-mail contacts.
Emergency call to mobilize in support of UFCW Grocery Strikers. 
All out to Vons Distribution Center picket line tomorrow (Tuesday, 12/23) at 6AM (that is the time when most scab truck crews are in and out of the center).
The location is  4300 Shirley St. @ Gidley St.  One block east of Baldwin Ave. between Valley Bl. and Lower Azusa St.  in El Monte.  From the 10 Fwy. exit Baldwin North.  Take Baldwin north to Gidley St. and make a right and go one block to Shirley St. 
The strikers need your help, it is crucial to come out on Tuesday morning. 
Al Maldonado, San Gabriel Valley Neighbors for Peace and Justice

Original: URGENT:Truckers Supporting Strikers Need Help