Martial Law. Get Ready

by Sheepdog Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003 at 2:48 PM

Well, Gen Franks, now we know how your employers are going to preserve the rule of the crime family of Bush and his cohorts. Simple. Stage another 'event' spectacular enough to whip the TV watching public into fear and declare martial law.

Well, Gen Franks, now we know how your employers are going to preserve the rule of
the crime family of Bush and his cohorts. Simple. Stage another 'event' spectacular enough to whip the TV watching public into fear and declare martial law.
Sorry, it will not be as your planners believe it will happen. It will bring the revolution under arms by the millions of gun owners here in the USA and the blood will flow. In the end, there will be a purge of collaborators and a new system of government.

We are all dead anyway in there eyes, but this will take the final step towards justice as
the enraged victims fight back. Even the cud chewing masses will stampede over your
razor wire and defended positions because there are too many of us who have been trained to fight and kill, by the military, to act in the only way left open to us. The rest will learn to fight as they see the naked brutality behind the soothing lies of these maggots. If you want a war, let it start right here.