On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US

by John Paul Cupp Sunday, Nov. 30, 2003 at 11:30 AM


On the Need for a Pr...
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On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US

by John Paul Cupp

Information Co-Ordinator, Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee (USA)


It is clear that invasion of Iraq was an act of unprovoked aggression. As such, the people of Iraq, and their leadership, whatever our differences, deserve our unconditional solidarity as they resist this attack and further occupation. This includes solidarity with the very armed resistance that is sending " our troops" to their justly deserved body-bags.

The Zionists and neo-con war hawks have literally mapped out a plan for " regime change" throughout the Arab and traditionally Islamic world. Is it not then understandable that the banner of Anti-US/ Anti-Zionist struggle is carried highly by Arabs, Muslims, and all genuine anti-imperialists throughout the world? Is in not then understood that whatever our differences, these comrades-in-arms, are entitled to our unconditional support?

All pretenses of the invasion of Iraq, have been shown to be blatant lies, and the real nature of this so-called "liberation" mission is all too clear to see. Absolutely no one, can on one hand call themselves anti-imperialist, and at the other not only oppose the continued occupation, but also not side with the anti-occupation resistance, including armed resistance.

In the era of fierce anti-imperialist class struggle, the primary mode of resistance is the gun, that is armed resistance centered on the masses themselves, as the army of national-liberation. The proof of this is absolutely clear, and recorded in the examples of Korea, Vietnam, and southern Lebanon, amongst others. One can can subjectively oppose such a method, from the arm-chair rank of the petty bourgeoisie " progressives" in the Imperialists countries, but none the less this is the world we are living in, an objective material world. To say the gun should not create and eliminate oppression, is not the same as to say that it does or does not. We call on the Popular, Leftists, and worker-based forces to understand this truth, and to take a principled stance in solidarity with

Iraq. May the Imperialists and their GI Mercenaries find their throats slit and their heads bashed in with concrete!

As struggle emerges, comrades of principle find themselves at odds with one another. This is not only natural, but in its rightful place,it is healthy and productive. However, at the end of the day, it is essential for the effectiveness of on the ground forces, to have co-ordinated Unity and centralized discipline, that is to say, to know who is part of the Enemy camp, and who is part of the popular forces. That is to say, in an era such as ours, particularly in the US, were Zionists, their capitulators, Social-imperialists, Socio-Pacifists, American Chauvinists, and other forms of opportunism control the " left" and the " anti-war" movement, it is important to know " were you stand" or quite literally, rather than standing for nothing, you stand for the " left wing" of the Imperialist camp.

Without the unity of all genuinely anti-imperialist forces in the US, we can never really build a genuine anti-war movement. In fact, we can never build a revolution in the US, as well. Like all National-Liberation Movements in the Periphery, such as Palestine and Korea, the National Liberation Movement and Armed Resistance in Iraq, is a "litmus test" between real and phony anti-imperialism.

While most of the Left has its head up its ass, trembling in fear at the misnomer of " anti-semitic " which the Zionist Enemy dishes out at it each time it comes closer and closer to standing with Palestine, and its Arab and Muslims inhabitants, the Muslim Comrades, whatever our differences, within in the Imperialist Countries, are applauded the world over for their willingness to combat the Zionist Enemy. For this, whatever our religious differences with Islam, we must applaud our Islamic Brothers for their courage, and stand in the trenches with them, no matter how much our hated common enemy calls us " anti-semitic" or " third-positionist" ( fascist), for we know that Zionists and their capitulators are the real third positionists!

As Iraq is a traditionally Islamic country, it is only understandable that the Muslim Ummah ( unity of Islamic people) around the world would stand with Iraq. In standing for Iraq's right to self-determination, we stand for it unconditionally, no matter what religion(s) it chooses for its self. The Muslim People of Iraq, and in fact, just about no one in Iraq has harmed the working class of the US, particularly the Black, Chicano, and Native American Working Class. It is clear that whatever our differences, the Islamic Community, is a highly oppressed community, and that the so called "left" controlled by traditionally Judeo-Christian elements, has an unjust bias against Islam. Even comrades, who are atheists, agnostic, or "secular", should be able to recognize that this undemocratic bias is counterproductive to our goal of building genuine anti-imperialist people's movements. What is even clearer is that, like it or not, the Islamic Community is a major part of the pro-resistance forces that should be built in the US.

We call for Red-Green Unity, that is the unity of Worker-based popular forces, and Islamic popular forces in the US. This mirrors the on the ground realities of Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq. An injury to one is an injury to all. We should oppose " green-baiting" in order to build a Pro-Iraq United Front as much as we would have opposed " red-baiting" of socialists, communists, and anarchists, during the McCarthy era. Also the Geo-political ramifications of Iraq are great. It is unlikely that the Imperialists and Zionists will " cut their losses" and accept defeat in Iraq, easily. Therefore, it is necessary that all pro-Iraq Forces are on page with one another, have warm normalized relations, and that centralized co-ordination occurs. United we can aid in the Military/Political Defeat of the US, consolidate gains with the Iraqi Resistance, and share with the world, the liberation this brings!

We call for further strengthening ties, directly with the Iraq Resistance Forces, including Armed Resistance Forces, whether this is legal or not. The sons and daughters of John Brown and Nat Turner, must not care! It is clear the the primary factor leading to the end of the war in Vietnam, was not the US anti-war movement, but the number of GI's that The NLF and Vietcong sent home in a body-bag. Such is the case with this war. It is noble that 100,000 or more would stand together with signs to oppose a war in Iraq, or the further occupation, but it is cosmetic at best. Furthermore, with out principled stances, we are not in a position to actually create gains, that is to aid in the military/political defeat of Iraq. In fact in a country such as ours, with wanton opportunism, a group or 20, or even 3, is more capable than the large sectors of the Anti-war movement to create gains, both at home and abroad.

By building a Pro-Iraq Front, one based on principles, we make our selves vulnerable to repression, even with the clearest heads, and no mistakes made, something that is unreasonable to assume, it is to be expected that the Imperialists and Zionists, our Mortal Enemies, will not allow for its defeat without a fight. That said, a Pro-Iraq United Front should defend its comrades, both from repression, and from threats/act of violence, as a principle of mutual aid and solidarity. Whatever differences emerge between a genuinely Pro-Iraq camp, are for the camp itself, and not for the enjoyment of hated common enemies.

One could ask why no just join and integrate into the Anti-war forces as a more militant faction? The reason for this is clear. With out a block on some level, we are doomed to being integrated into it, rather than it, into a Pro-Iraq Stance. We fully support Unity, but Unity can not occur, at the cost of principle. Some things are simply non-negotiable. One example is our Internationalist Stance against Imperialism. We stand for the rights of nations to self-determination, like a rock that shall not budge, and this is final!

Below are some suggestions for what would concretely define a Pro-Iraq Camp, and what would be an immediate exclusion. Perhaps, from this dialog can occur amongst US Popular Forces, our comrades-in-arms in Iraq, and allies around the world. From this we can build Pro-Iraq assemblies, and co-ordinate demonstrations and other Pro-Iraq activities, to ensure the Political/Military Victory of the Anti-Occupation Forces in Iraq. Without being listed, I believe that it goes with out saying that fully and unwaveringly supporting the Military/Political defeat of the Occupation forces in Iraq.


Withdraw of all support for US Troops, up until they on some level resist.

While most of the anti-war movement wishes to show its loyalty to "our troops", we recognize two diametrically occurring antagonistic forces exist. We stand with Iraq, and not US Imperialism.


Co-ordinated solidarity campaigns for Troops of any country stationed in Iraq, which either mutiny or refuse to fight

By demonstrating that cannon fodder does not have our support unless, it resists, and that by resisting, not only does it have our support, but it will be able to " get away with" its actions, we are draining the fish pond of the imperialists. We do not recognize the validity of the law, of any country which wages or aids in the waging of an unjust war of aggression in Iraq, and as such we stand for resistance unconditionally.


Refusal to tolerate Opportunism, and Chauvinism, Principally, Pro-US Sentiment and Zionism

With out a fighting platform based on principle we are nothing. By letting the "enemy within" to foster, we are aiding our own demise.


Unconditional Solidarity With Iraq and Its Leadership.

Whatever our differences, the People of Iraq, and the People of Iraq, alone, are the master of their own destiny. They do not need Chomsky, Zinn, or any other Western Leftist to think for them. They are entitled to our solidarity no matter what our differences. The Iraq people have shown that they are light years more advance in the concept of anti-imperialist class struggle, and are the ones most capable and deserving of choosing the strategies and tactics they choose in their glorious anti-occupation struggle. This may be last but far from being least, it is first and foremost. To the comrades of Iraq, WE ARE WITH YOU!!!

Original: On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US