we rushed to aid the rich in SD

by XedgeX Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003 at 7:49 PM

we rushed

During last week's fires, san diego went through a historical event. As a city, san diego has not gone through that much, so of course the media overrated the event. For the first 48 hours, the media manipulated the minds of its mindless viewers. This action made these wealthy home-owners look as if they had nothing at all anymore! What they excluded was the fact these are very wealthy people with no doubt have some type of Insurance. I was listening to some victims the other day, and the reporter ask one person "What was left". The person (which had a hard time speaking) said "the only thing left was a burnt out jet ski, and a couple of our cars".

Why is it that when people with real needs are always omitted. We are still dealing with the killings of innocent people by the police, homeless still wonder the streets with an empty stomach. Schools in poverty sites are still without proper materials. With so many problems, with so many people in need, we as a city have forgotten such things. Do we only respond to events or situations that the media points at. Losing materialistic items suck (espcially if your a capitalist), but those artifical items can be replace. Even quicker if your wealthy like the majority of the fire victims. San diego, wake up from your ignorance and look beyond the media's spotlight.

Original: we rushed to aid the rich in SD