A call for all activists to provide aid to the strikers

by ! Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 4:00 PM

We should stand in solidarity with the union and the strikers.
They are on the front lines here on the home front fighting for things we have been saying like, Healthcare not Warfare.

The anti-war movement needs to support the strike and show people the link between the waste of war and the war on the working class here.

Go to where the strike is: ask them how to help and aid them in anyway you can. Help them keep the shoppers and the scabs from crossing their picket lines.

This is what we have been marching in the streets about all this year.
The strike and the boycott are our most powerful tools for the social change that we are fighting for.

ANSWER, NION and all the other groups talk about this all the time here's a chance for them to put their bodies where their mouth is.

If the strikers lose we all lose. Your healthcare could be next.

An injustice to one is an injustice to all.