Tonight! We Interrupt This Empire... film screening in Chinatown!

by Otto Nomous Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003 at 7:19 AM

Friday, Oct 11, 8PM $5-10 Sliding scale, suggested donation at C-Level (

Tonight! We Interrup...
weinterruptposter_thumb.jpg, image/jpeg, 253x375

Friday, Oct 11, 8PM
Two independent films on resistance to the war in Iraq will be shown at c-level gallery this friday: 'Gringoton' and 'We Interrupt This Empire'

Directions to C-level:

1. Find yourself in front of "FULL HOUSE RESTAURANT" located
at 963 N. Hill Street in Chinatown.
2. Locate the alley on the left hand side of Full House.
3. Walk about 20 feet down the alley (away from the street).
4. Stop.
5. Notice dumpster on your right hand side.
6. Take a right and continue down the alley.
7. Exercise caution so as not trip on the wobbly cement blocks underfoot
8. The entrance to C-Level is located 10 yards down on left side,
behind a red door, down a black staircase.

(2003, 52 Min., US)
A film by Video Activist Network

What happens when a trigger-happy cowboy with a pocket full of loot
aims his guns on an oil-rich, people-poor nation?

We Interrupt This Empire... is a powerful look into the direct actions that shut down the
financial district of San Francisco on the day after the United States
invaded Iraq. With audio backdrop including the live radio
broadcasts from the Independent Media Center to SFPD's tactical
communications that were picked up on police scanners, the documentary
reveals a diverse show of resistance from the streets of San Francisco
as well as providing a critique of the corporate media coverage of the
war and exploring such issues as the Military Industrial Complex,
attack on civil liberties, and the United States' current imperialist

GRINGOTON (Gringo-thon)
(2002, 17 Min., Mexico)
A short film by Greg "Gringoyo" Berger

During the invasion of Iraq in the spring of 2003, a misplaced gringo in Mexico City helplessly watches the attrocities through the lens of Mexican television news. Taking a tip from his Mexico City neighbors, he begins to sell chewing gum and wash car windows in the streets of Mexico raise money for a guerrilla army to take out Bush.

"Gringo-thon" is a personal expression of protest of an expatriate living abroad, and also a subtle meditation on the complexities of "gringo" identity in an American continent whose millions of inhabitants misunderstand each other.

C-level is a cooperative public and private lab formed to share physical, social and technological resources. Its members are artists,programmers, writers, designers, agit-propers, filmmakers and reverse-engineers. Part studio, part club, part stage and part screen; C-Level is located in a basement in Chinatown Los Angeles and plays host to various media events such as screenings, performances, classes, lectures, debates, dances, readings and tournaments.