Block Away

by IndyReader Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 at 2:07 PM

I am in favor of IndyMedia blocking KOBE members.

KOBE members visit LA IndyMedia for one reason and one reason only - to provoke conflict and hinder free expression. LA IndyMedia is not a public service. LA IndyMedia is owned by a collective of individuals and that collective of individuals has the right to control LA IndyMedia in any way they see fit. The protection of Free Expression applies only to non-interference by the government. It does not apply to private property. While many may dispute that LA IndyMedia is private property, under our current legal system, the fact remains that it is private property.

KOBE claims that KOBE cannot be blocked. This is partially true. Anyone using a system that generates random IP addresses cannot be blocked while maintaining open access for others. However, blocking IP addresses commonly used by KOBE does slow KOBE down and makes KOBE members lives more difficult. It also prevents them from posting from some locations where their favorite software is not available.

KOBE is absolutely pathetic in its cries against "censorship." KOBE had made it KOBE's mission to shut down internet forums through harassment. So don't listen to KOBE whining.

Block KOBE. Keep on blocking KOBE.