Fake Pubs. By "Austin"

by Nelly Friday, Oct. 03, 2003 at 8:40 AM

In fake publications using Sherman Austin's name, we see constant references to "Bubba."

Here is a post on Voy Forums. This is the Cheese Board. The Cheese Board is one of the many KOBE hang out locations.

Check out this post. Remember the IP address:


Date Posted: 04:44:43 10/02/03 Thu

Author: Zitboy...GOP Ex-Con Division.

Author Host/IP: vt-claremont2a-409.bur.adelphia.net /

Subject: My prison boyfirend Bubba taught me everything I know.


It might be of significance in tracking down the source of the Sherman Austin threats.

Original: Fake Pubs. By "Austin"