by span Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 3:09 PM

dont believe lies

the alleged hummer bomber. leave the guy alone. you want to know the real terrorist? inb bellingham washington, police lie and fabricate "evidence" when it involves non white citizens. there is repression of violence commited against native and african american citizens. a black man was run over by a white man shouting the word nigger. the black man is dead. the police chief said it wasnt a racially motivated crime. (bellingham police dept. 505 grand ave. bellingham wa.) this is the town where the alleged beltway snipers were living, and they were largely well behaved intelligent people. more polite and respectful than the white man who assaulted me twice and got away with it because he was a middle aged anglo man and i am a non white person. he literally lied and the police also falsified a report. THAT is the real terrorist. THIS country