The Police Are Here To Preserve Disorder

by judith mpls Friday, Sep. 12, 2003 at 2:29 PM

During the Civil War there was no property tax. They were more freee than we are.

Mayor Richard Daley: "The police are here to preserve disorder."

Ayn Rand: "Every major horror of history was committed in the name of an altruistic motive."

Go get her boys. She has a brain. Go after he. That's your job. She thinks. Don't want her thinking about something the media didn't tell her to think about. Don't want her making too much money, she may not need you. Go after her boys. That's your job. The church and State taught you that. Go after her in anyway you can, like a government goon does, IRS. You are jealous and want to conttrol her. She is out of control and may reject you. Go after her. That's what they trained you to do. Go after her. Call her fat. Do whatever it takes to shut her up. Jealous. Fearful of female energy. Keep her poor, so you get free blowjobs (like Clinton). Keep her down.

Original: The Police Are Here To Preserve Disorder