They QUIT!

by Rational Normal Person Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 4:27 AM

The "hunger strikers" although they were on a liquid diet of the same stuff as if you had a broken jaw quit after 22 days!

The "hunger strikers" although they were on a liquid diet of the same stuff as if you had a broken jaw quit after 22 days!

My friend broke his jaw and was wired up for ten weeks exixting on a "liquid only diet" He put on weight during that time!

Anyway, the fake hunger strikers quit. I am surprised they didn't let you know on here as they trash posted the progress in the early days.

Here is NEWS!!!!


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The core hunger strikers in the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health have ended their fast on Day 22, Saturday, 6 September 2003. (Some courageous solidarity hunger strikers may or may not continue their hunger strikes on an individual basis.) BELOW is a link to a statement by Mickey Weinberg, one of the organizers of the fast, thanking supporters, and discussing the many successes and challenges. Certainly, one victory is the historic response by the Scientific Panel to the letter by James Scully, APA Medical Director, to the hunger strikers.

The next step? The hunger strikers agree that, given the ultimate "stonewalling" by key leaders in the psychiatric industry, one crucial follow-up is a campaign to demand that Congress investigate psychiatric drug industry influence and corruption in the mental health system. Also, you are encouraged to join MindFreedom and donate, to help cover the costs of the hunger strike, and keep the momentum going toward building a stronger and more effective social change MindFreedom.

Thanks to everyone who cheered on, helped out and applied civil pressure on behalf of the hunger strike. And thank you to Romi, Vince and Mickey, and all the hunger strikers, both in Pasadena and internationally. You have moved a movement.

Now Bobby Sands WAS a hunger striker...

He DIED for his cause.

Mindfreedom NEVER pull a publicity stunt like that again.

Original: They QUIT!