Another Bob inident

by Bob Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 6:16 AM 530-796-3870

Space weapon assualt and contrail cover-up.

Last night about 0300 I was awakened from a sound sleep again. I was sleeping on my stomach and there was a pain in my right kidney that upon awakening felt like some body was bunching me with a cyclic motion. I happened to have crawled all the way up to where my head was against the head board trying, I guess in my sleep, to get away from what was causing the pain. As I woke up I rolled over onto my right side and crawled back down about 10". This placed my left arm right where my right kidney was placed. Immediately my left arm started pulsating. Not just one muscle in my left arm, but my whole upper arm from my shoulder to the elbow. The intensity felt like a 3 to 4" beam of some type of energy bounding me in the arm. The kidney health is important in red blood cell production as well as the B-12, and folic acid becasue it produces a hormone to the bone marrow for the production of the red blood cells. Weakening the kidneys is a for sure way to bring on anemia and crippling the enemy or adversary. This is directly related to some recent blood work and my mental focus this last couple of years.

The Aerogel, formaldehyde, amine, benzene, ether and lanthonide based aerosol sprays of the chemtrails for the new space weapons, weather and mind control system
is a genocide program now set in operation, making clouds out of chemicals tricking us all. The rain is now heavy water and no healing negative ions are produced to heal the environment we live in. This new cooperate, commercialized, militarized air they are making us breath causes kidney damage, heart damage, brain and nerve damage. It elevates the childhood leukemia problems and a host of modern medical problems bringing in business on the back end for the boys. If you are centered out here is what happens, extra localized destruction, besides the broad band energy waves strategically blanketing the earths population, direct energy beam weapons aimed at you. They work consistently on our heart, kidneys, and brain with there microwave and plasma beams through electronic dowsing hooked to computers and satilites, airplanes, helicopters, towers, and vans in our neihborhood. It all looks like a natural form of illness. This is my reward for studying their evilness and trying to protect my children and this country.

I can not afford enough money for a faraday cage for a room, so I was wondering how much it would be for the material to build a 4x4x8 box? Because some of the new tech weapons can penetrate this I will have to lay other material over it to form me a coffin to sleep in, next a sleep room for the family. I was thinking of putting and ad in the paper and collecting old microwaves and using the shielding from them as well. Any ideas? They have finally broken down my health to the point of not being able to function well enough to work so my income is really low. I have gone from a GS-9 Radiation Specialist making 70k in 88, to 10k in 2004. From being very healthy to barely healthy.

Yea, I am so glad I got the chance to serve my country. Now, I serve them as a experimental human to microwave with there new toy.

"I guess it is more humane then the old way, is my friends' response, or hey just ignore it and be thankful for today. There is nothing we can do about it".
You know, that disgusting sheep mentality crap. Other people would rather not get involved at trying to understand because then they might become a target. Are they might have to wake up from their dream state.

We must understand that learning this stuff is truely where the defending of this country lies and where we can and will be set free from it. This is the front. If you are to chicken doodoo, and want to stay in denial then go serve and live in an other country. This is not a time for chicken crap denial and fear. If you want to know the truth it is their. If you want to live under a rock and stick your head in the sand then you are a part of the problem, go live somewhere else. If you do not take action now you are selling out your children and grandchildren to the occults, secret societies, nazis, u.n. for the takeover of this country, just like most of our forefathers have that got us into this mess.

Bob Reynolds SSBN 620 gold

Known attacks this year:

1,2,3. Driving in the car with cell phone/gps tracking - pulses to the chest.
4. Direct beam shot to the head while walking from neighbors
5. Awakened in the night from bed springs pulsating from direct beam assault.
6. Direct beam to the head and chest while studying in my home.
7. Last night direct beam to kidneys.

These are only the ones that I have been aware of, I am sure there have been many more where the beam is turned down enough so that I am not aware of it occurring.

Again this is a testimony of this citizen making a citizens arrest on the parties involved in allowing such weapons of mass destruction to be used on the citizens of this state, and country. I request that the men of integrity in the U.S. Marshals, FBI, CIA, NSA, and the Judicial Branch arrest all personnel that have sold out this country to be experimented on, and that new quality control be established from the very bottom of this Government of the United States all the way to the Top, including the cornerstone of our educational foundations. Starting with those involved and that have been involved with the tyranny of selling us out to the U.N. as well as the Nazis for the last hunderd years.

I charge this country to take action and protect itself from the over taking an infiltration of secret enemies to the destruction of the People of this Country. From the formation of modern medicine and science that has been used for such ploys, to the ploys of taking our guns, to the ploys of bankruptcy there by indebting us to the World Banks for U.N./ Illuminati control. The proof is in the history of the collaborated schemes and efforts of the secret societies, the ritualistic cults, and the history of dark op projects run astray. From media control, to gun control, to medical control. The trail is their. The people of this country if where left unbrainwashed, and educated with the proof of what I have researched, what is there for all to see, without fear would all say to the new congress and representatives get some courage, stop the denial, stop turning your back on this country, and stop the sell out.

If you are not for protecting this country against the secret subtle, or slow undercover take over of this country, the exploitation, the killing and crippling our children, the crippling of our citizens, then get your ass out of politics and positions of power that are being used to cripple us. If you are a citizen and you would rather coke and joke and not face the truth, nor study to see the truth and take action to defend this country then you, like a crocked politician are apart of the problem as well. Either make change to help our country by sacrificing a few ball games and learn what has captivated our minds for the destruction of this country and how to defend it our get your ass out. For all of us who have abused our freedoms and have added to the moral decay of this country causing us to reap what we have sown then you are a part of the problem as well, change your ways are take your negative energy sucking ass to some other land.

Bob Reynolds for Citizens of the United States, Integrity and Damage Control Group