No Edisons Among The Keepers, Any More Than the Kept

by judith mpls Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 at 8:32 AM

Alex Jones (

From the book "How To Save the World"

There are no Edisons among the keepers, any more than among the kept.

Government workers cannot create a better mousetrap, they can only make a bigger mouse. This is the essence of government. They can only be negative. They put themselves out a job if they are positive. So they keep Blacks in ghettoes, in reservations, kept, wathced, controlled. They control all business. They put cameras everywhere. They are the criminals. Look at Buh and Clinton in the BCCI. The BCCI, the biggest drug laundries in the world. The government workers are stupid and only belong in servants quarters. They are too stupid to be a Bill Gates or Martha Stewart. They are so stupid they are dangerous. They are parasites and live off the labor of our forced tax system. They are parasites and should be destrtoyed. All parasites should be destroyed. All unions are afraid of upstarts, of competition. THey should be destroyed. Let the common street vendor rule! Let the entrepreneur rule! Let them keep their own money. Let the family rule! Let the small business owner rule! let the small church, the small independent church, like Waco, rule! Leave the individual alone. The thinker. The farmer. The small town people. Leave them alone! Let them build a yurt in the ghettoe. Are you afraid they will survive and prosper and be happy? Are you afrid of the competition? So you allow them to suffer so you can get rich.