by free Monday, Jul. 21, 2003 at 8:23 PM

The photo shows Palestinian farmer Hassan Kharouf leaning against the gigantic concrete wall that Israel is building in order to enforce it's apartheid style separation of Palestinians and Israelis.

thewall.jpg, image/jpeg, 295x450

The wall now stretches some 90 miles but is not yet complete. Palestinian homes and businesses are still being razed by Israeli occupation troops in order to make room for the ever expanding wall. The gigantic barricade cuts into the West Bank in a number of places, filling Palestinians with fear that their lands will forever be lost to Israeli expansion and seizure.

"Tear down that wall, Mr. Gorbachev." That's what then President Reagan said about the Berlin Wall in the late 1980's. The concrete wall that cut Germany in half was a focal point for Western criticism of the "Soviet Bloc." The wall represented oppression and tyranny... at least that's what the Western leaders said they believed. The world celebrated when the damned thing was finally torn down in November of 1989. Funny how the same people who screamed for the Berlin Wall to come down are totally silent when it comes to the wall being built in the occupied West Bank.

"Tear down that wall, Mr. Sharon."