Why are White Supremacists flocking to "Libertarianism"?

by Annetta I. Birlari Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003 at 1:33 PM

"If George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, et al., were to claw their way out of their graves, the first thing they'd do is start another revolution." -- from a "White Nationalist"

Why are White Supremacists flocking to "Libertarianism"?
Annetta I. Birlari

The items that follow are horrific to most human beings, but are presented here to increase awareness to a growing problem within the diverse community of libertarians. White Supremacists see a harmonic convergence between many of their ideals and the mantra of "individuality trumps community" by many free-market-libertarians.

from "You Might Be an Anti-Semite If..."
by "Newz" Numberman

White nationalists are not "haters," "evil," "monsters," or "fringe lunatics." The only difference between a White nationalist and a white republican, or a white democrat, or a white libertarian, or a white socialist, etc., etc., is that we White nationalists are not afraid to choose politically incorrect SELF-DEFENSE over capitulation: we choose to FIGHT!

And we do so knowing that in spite of the odds, and in spite of the demonizing, and all the rest of what is pawned off as political culture, our Cause is only viewed so pejoratively because those whom we resist, the ZIONIST usurpers, control every avenue of mass communication, exercise predominant influence at all levels of government (but especially the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) and use said influence to frame every conceivable issue in such a way that the debate is over before it even begins.

In the name of the Creator, read the writings of the AMERICAN FOUNDERS. Employ your own senses of logic, proportionality and Reason. Is what we White nationalists advocate really so outrageous? or farfetched? or outlandish? Are we truly the only ones capable of perceiving the historical trajectory of the once great and proud American nation? Hackneyed though it is to say, the Emperor has no clothes, and it is about goddamned time we stood up and said it.

White nationalists, like it or not, represent the founding spirit of the United States. We are the real conservatives. If GEORGE WASHINGTON and THOMAS JEFFERSON, et al., were to claw their way out of their graves, the first thing they'd do is start another REVOLUTION. But they're not here anymore; so it's up to us. Why is it that clean, safe White neighborhoods, schools, culture etc., are held out to be the socio-political equivalent of Satanism? Why does every law seem to be geared with our demise in mind? Why are we systematically DENIED EVERY RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE and privilege that defines a free people, rights and privileges that we had in this country not all that long ago, rights and privileges that all other peoples of humanity either possess or unabashedly pursue? If you've never thought about such things, maybe itz about time you did.

Sadly, some libertarians themselves speak of the "multi-culturalism" is sharply negative terms, thereby enticing further those seduced by hatred.

from "A Libertarian Looks at Columbus Day"
by Alan Turin, LewRockwell.com

...MULTICULTURAL complaints that European civilization is judgmental, linear, exclusionary and prejudiced contra American aboriginals being non-judgmental, non-linear, inclusive and free of prejudice is incoherent enough to fit into todayâ??s academy.

...MULTICULTURALISM: the art of being wrong, all the time, in everything.

from "Libertarianism wins widespread praise in 1997"
by National LP Headquarters, January 23, 1998

"Big government/welfare-state liberals and statist/religious-right conservatives mirror each other in supporting the use of government to ensure their own vision of a good society, whether that means demanding adherence to 'traditional' values or mandating MULTICULTURAL political correctness. Libertarianism offers a third ALTERNATIVE, and one that is more in keeping with the vision of the future that free men and women have always aspired to."-- Stephen H. Miller

The end result of this fatal attraction has already been felt in local politics. So please do be careful - not all libertarians have noble intentions.

from "Ex-official drops out of Aryan group"
by Associated Press, July 18, 2003

A former Hopewell Borough councilman who resigned last week after his membership in a national WHITE SUPREMACIST group became public has now quit the group.

Marc Moran, 43, said he would no longer be associated with the National Alliance, a West Virginia group that promotes SEGREGATIONIST living and ARYAN values. Moran was appointed to fill a vacant council seat on July 3, but the lifelong Hopewell resident served for less than two weeks before resigning on Saturday.

Moran, who denies being a racist or an anti-Semite, said he joined the National Alliance because he agreed with its views on illegal immigration and CIVIL LIBERTIES. However, he now only has harsh words for the organization and says he is ashamed he did not fully investigate the group.

"I took my membership card and I put it in an envelope and I mailed it back to them. I'm done," Moran said. "The things (about the group) I disagree with far outweigh the things I do agree with."

Moran had written several essays -- many of which DENOUNCED CULTUTRAL DIVERSITY and immigration -- that that were posted on the Internet. The most recent essay was posted in December 2002.