Sixteen words to eight

by mymicz Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2003 at 6:07 AM

Comparing Bush with Clinton

I have news for Con Woman Rice. It only takes eight words to impeach a president. Perhaps the fact that she did not know that represents an answer for our country's problems. "I did not have sexual reolations with that woman!" of course, is an impeachable phrase for which Clinton suffered greatly. Luckily, we were past the time of the Scarlet Letter and over snooping in people's private areas.
However, what Bush did is not only impeachable, but violates the only restriction ever placed on free speech that we all could agree on. Thou shalt not yell Nuclear in a scared country, or fire in a crowded theatre, unless it's true, but who goes to movies anyway with DVD's and all.
My condolences, Condoleeza, about your dead career.
Does any one know if the Kucinich press conference will be televised?