Blair not Cleared of Anything

by mymicz Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 6:37 AM

Watch the broadcast.

If anyone watched the broadcast of the British Parliament's deliberations about Blair's guilt, they would know he was absolutely not exonerated. In fact to say so is outright perjury.
While the one commitee out of two did vote that they had found no guilt, it was by a one vote margin. There is still one more commitee to go. Also, the group that already voted repeatedly stated that they were not privy to all of the evidence and were requesting it again.
Several parliament members spoke out repeatedly stating that Mr. Campbell, who was responsible for the report itself, had no business even handling it before it was released. Although half the members, many from his own party, strongly disagreed with the ruling, and asked for more information, again, the SS lovers are only giving you half truths to support their case.
What else can you expect from a bushie.
I don't even have to prove they are liars, they have permanent hoof in mouth disease, and constantly get caught in the act.