Psychology - Infant Science Only

by judith mpls Monday, Jul. 07, 2003 at 2:03 PM

Ayn Rand says psychology is in infancy as a science. But the State-run media says it is real. It is all a lie. Don't believe the creeps. They are evil, because they force their crap on you. So they can drug you and put nonsense into your head. See "Disease Mongers" by Lynn Payer.

Ayn Rand says psychology is "as a science, barely first steps. It is nothing but a substitute for reason, a escape from responsibility. Their Bible is subjective - not sceince! But they go around on the State-run media (they are one of "them") - they believe their own crap, it is not real science! Don't ever trust them. They are evil and sick and greedy and will use you - for their profit! Tell them you want real science! Not a Bible that they sit around rooms and change it to suit their sick, stupid, greedy, brainwashed minds! They are not real sceintists!

Original: Psychology - Infant Science Only