Unintended Consequences

by Lee Tuesday, Jul. 01, 2003 at 1:54 PM

Soybeans Killing Rainforests Nine (9) easy steps that even lefties can understand.

I'm taking so much delight in this rainforest/soybean connection that I want to explain it in as plain an English as possible, to make sure that even the stupidest leftie can understand how the Law of Unintended Consequences works.

1) Brazil has been deforesting its rainforest for years, in many cases to provide land on which to raise cattle for export to western markets.

2) Western liberals, eco-anarchists, and other environmentalist nutbags begin a campaign in the west to bring attention to the rainforest. Large sums of money are raised (still, to this day) by Sting and other entertainers.

3) After years of efforts it seems that they have made progress and the rate to deforestation is decreasing.

4) As part of an overall "think globally/act locally" strategy, many people eschew the eating of meat in favor of tofu, a product made from soybeans. Europe, which has a large Green movement, is a hotbed of conversion from consumerist to ecologically friendly lifestyles, like veganism or vegetarianism. This movement spreads to all corners of the globe, including the US.

5) Eating tofu and other soy products such as soy milk starts to enter the mainstream. Demand for soy crop rises significantly.

6) The United States sees the potential of the soybean market. Being not only a free market capitalist powerhouse, it also possess the finest biotechnology industry in the world, and genetically modifies its soybeans to produce a superior product with a greater yield.

7) The very European Green movement which was at the forefront of the consciousness-raising leading to the soybean explosion is also at the forefront of the ridiculous frankenfood junk science hysteria regarding GM food. Popular sentiment in Europe reflects the word of these lunatics, and their nations pass all sorts of regulations against GM foods, including US soybeans. US soybeans are therefore not able to fill the demands of Europe and other parts of the world.

8) Brazil, being a capitalist nation, sees the problem. The Euroweenie environmentalist lunatics want "natural" soybeans. Brazil also sees the solution, which is to grow them the way the Euroweenies want.

9) To carry out their plans they begin deforestation of the rain forest to create land on which to farm soybeans. Meanwhile, in America, perfectly edible -- nay, superior! -- GM soybeans are eaten by people without a problem.

Note to European environmentalists: When you create a market for a product like soybeans, someone is going to rise up to supply that market. In this case it was the United States, who not only supplied the market but in the process created a superior GM soybean product. You have chosen, however, to rely on voodoo, tea leaves, and modern techno-superstitions, all of which tell you that GM foods are icky and bad; thus Europe banned the use or sale of US soybean products in your countries. Fair enough. But, since Europe can't meet its own demand for soybeans (yaay, socialism!) Brazil has stepped up to the plate to make sure that you can slurp down all the delicious tofu you like. The unfortunate issue is, that to do so, Brazil is clear-cutting the rainforest.

And that, my left-wing friends, is the Law of Unintended Consequences.